Central nodes of the intrahypothalamic network. Identification of candidate hub regions (and others with high network centrality) for the bilateral (HY2) and unilateral (HY1) hypothalamic subconnectomes. Regions are assigned a score of 0 to 4 according to the number of times they fall within the top 20th percentile for each of four measures of centrality (degree, strength, betweenness, and closeness) and are arranged from left to right by HY1 descending aggregate centrality and topographically (17). Regions with a centrality score of 4 are considered candidate hubs. For individual-region centrality values for each measure of centrality (for HY2), see SI Appendix, Fig. S3. Note that aggregate centrality scores are modulated between HY1 and HY2, indicative of the relevance of HY2 contralateral connections to the overall structure of the network. Abbreviations are defined in Dataset S2.