Figure 4.
Identification and segregation of high+ RLG1a genotype. a. Median-standardized coverage (25bp windows) of high+ carriers IM_627c and IM15P_317d, showing amplification of Migut.N02091 and the Migut.N02090–2091 intergenic region. b. Quantile box plots for RLG1a copy number in selfed progeny of IM13P_627c segregating for 0 (n = 7), 1 (n = 20) or 2 (n = 12) high+ variants. RLG1a copy number was estimated as 2(Δ Ct), where ΔCt is the absolute difference between Ct mN2091q and Ct mG571q for an individual, averaged across two technical replicates.