Fig. 3. Excitatory synaptic function is enhanced in SHANK2 mutant neurons on control and mutant lawns.
(A) Representative sEPSC traces from experiments described in (B) and (C) with an averaged sEPSC trace (inset) from single control, ASD, and engineered SHANK2 KO neurons. (B) sEPSC amplitude and (C) sEPSC frequency normalized within-well by dividing measurements of individual cells by the geometric mean of control cells in the same well. SHANK2 mutants are compared to co-cultured control neurons from the same wells: SHANK2 R841X (n=60, 20 each from line #2, #5 and #13) vs. CTRL (n=60, 30 each from line #2 of CTRL1 and line #39 of maternal CTRL3), SHANK2 DEL (n=60, 20 each from line #1, #2 and #4) vs. CTRL (n=60, 30 each from line #3 and #5 of paternal CTRL4), SHANK2 KO (n=60 from line #H6) vs. CTRL (n=60, 30 from line #2 of isogenic CTRL1 and 30 from line #4 of CTRL2). SHANK2 R841X +/− (n=50) and R841X-C +/+ (n=50) neurons on control and mutant lawns. Total number of neurons = 560 from 5 WT lines from 4 CTRL individuals, 6 SHANK2 +/− lines from 2 ASD individuals and 1 engineered SHANK2 −/− KO line. Mean +/− s.e.m. plotted, * P <0.05, ** P <0.01, *** P<0.005.; Anderson-Darling k-samples test. A detailed statistical summary including exact P-values can be found in Supplementary Table 9.