Figure 4.
NMDA glutamate receptor antagonist only disrupts PPI in Ng +/+ mice. A, NMDA antagonist treatment (CGP37849, 1mg/kg, i.p., 30 min prior to testing, n = 10) decreases startle response in both genotypes. B, 1mg/kg of CGP37849 treatment disrupts dB dependent PPI in Ng +/+ mice although 0.5 mg/kg of CGP37849 treatment still demonstrates statistical significance through 4 dB, 8 dB, and 16 dB of prepulse. C, Ng −/− mice still demonstrate statistical significance against dB levels by CGP37849 treatments. D, mGluR5 inhibitor treatment (MPEP, 20mg/kg, i.p., 30 min prior to testing) does not induce startle response change in both genotypes. E and F, Mice with Ng +/+ or Ng −/− genotype do not demonstrate any differences in PPI after MPEP treatment (n = 9 per group, C57BL/6J x129S1 cross). Data presented as mean ± SEM.