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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Sep 1.
Published in final edited form as: Ann Surg Oncol. 2018 May 17;25(9):2587–2595. doi: 10.1245/s10434-018-6496-4

Table 4.

Descriptive statistics and adjusted association between patient and treatment factors associated withreceipt of one ormore surveillance advanced imaging studies during follow-up period among women with stage II-III breast cancer (N=10,838)†

N One or More Surveillance Scans
Unadjusted Proportion % Yes
Adjusted Odds Ratios Adjusted Average Predicted Probability
OR 95% CI % 95% CI
10838 30 30% 29% 31%
Sociodemographic Characteristics
  <50 3041 34 REF -- 31% 29% 33%
  50–69 5126 31 0.96 0.86 1.06 30% 29% 31%
  ≥70 2671 23 0.88 0.75 1.04 28% 26% 31%
  White 9119 30 REF -- 30% 29% 31%
  Black 1249 30 0.93 0.81 1.07 29% 26% 31%
  Other 470 30 0.89 0.72 1.10 28% 24% 32%
 Hispanic Ethnicity*
  No 9207 30 REF -- 30% 29% 31%
  Yes 576 33 1.04 0.86 1.26 31% 27% 34%
 Percent in Zipcode with Less than High School Degree
  29% or more 1780 32 REF -- 31% 29% 33%
  20–28.9% 2786 30 0.93 0.81 1.06 30% 28% 31%
  14%–19.9% 3642 30 0.95 0.83 1.08 30% 29% 32%
  Less than 14% 2414 29 0.92 0.79 1.06 29% 28% 31%
 Insurance Status
  Private Insurance/Managed Care 5903 32 REF -- 30% 29% 31%
  Medicaid 818 36 1.16 0.99 1.36 33% 30% 36%
  Medicare & Other Government 3650 25 0.96 0.85 1.09 29% 27% 31%
  Uninsured/Self-Pay/Insurance Unknown 467 35 1.14 0.93 1.40 33% 28% 37%
  Rural 243 24 REF -- 22% 17% 27%
  Urban 10117 30 1.51 1.12 2.04 30% 29% 31%
Health and Tumor-Related Factors
 Mean Charlson/Deyo Score (SD)
  0 9195 30 REF - 30% 29% 31%
  1+ 1643 30 1.08 0.95 1.21 31% 29% 34%
 AJCC Pathologic Stage
  Stage II 7724 26 REF -- 28% 27% 29%
  Stage III 3114 39 1.46 1.32 1.62 35% 34% 37%
  I 1344 28 REF -- 32% 30% 35%
  II 4381 29 0.89 0.77 1.02 30% 28% 31%
  III 4494 32 0.89 0.76 1.03 30% 28% 31%
  Ductal 9055 30 REF -- 30% 29% 31%
  Lobular 1095 30 1.03 0.89 1.20 31% 28% 33%
  Other 688 29 0.94 0.78 1.12 29% 25% 32%
 ER, PR, Her2 Risk Group
  ER or PR Po s, Her2neu Neg 6354 29 REF -- 29% 28% 31%
  ER and PR Neg, Her2neu Neg 1647 33 1.14 1.00 1.30 32% 30% 34%
  ERorPRPos,Her2neu Pos 1318 34 1.18 1.04 1.35 33% 30% 35%
  ER and PRNeg, Her2neu Pos 755 36 1.17 0.99 1.38 33% 29% 36%
  No 2694 18 REF -- 21% 19% 23%
  Yes 7981 34 1.92 1.68 2.20 33% 32% 34%
 Surgery & Radiation Therapies*
  Breast Conserving Surgery + Radiation 4287 27 REF -- 27% 26% 29%
  Breast Conserving Surgery Only 499 21 0.95 0.75 1.20 26% 22% 30%
  Mastectomy + Radiation 2771 40 1.42 1.27 1.60 34% 32% 36%
  Mastectomy Only 3064 28 1.21 1.08 1.35 31% 29% 33%
 Facility Type
  Community Cancer Program/Other 3121 30 REF -- 31% 29% 32%
  Comprehensive Community Cancer Program 5775 30 0.95 0.86 1.05 30% 29% 31%
  Academic/Research Program 1942 31 0.96 0.84 1.09 30% 28% 32%

Bolded values indicate statistically significant differences, p<0.05