Table 1.
Study | Number of patients | Study design | Primary end points/outcomes |
Chawla et al. | 95 | Retrospective cohort study in a 20-bed closed medical/surgical ICU in a tertiary care cancer center | 31.6% of discharged patients were admitted within 30 days. The unplanned readmission rate was 23.2% |
Lau et al. (retrospective) | 642 | Retrospective cohort study in a 26-bed closed medical-surgical-trauma ICU in a tertiary care center | DDH patients are young, have fewer comorbidities on admission, and few discharge diagnoses |
Lam et al.a | 137 | Prospective cohort study in a tertiary care center encompassing a 30-bed closed medical-surgical-trauma ICU and a 25-bed medical surgical ICU | Patients and family members are satisfied with practice of DDH from ICU, although ICU physician satisfaction is more variable |
Lau et al.b (prospective) | 137 | Prospective cohort study in a tertiary care center encompassing a 30-bed closed medical-surgical-trauma ICU and a 25-bed medical surgical ICU | DDH patients experienced no mortality. The unplanned readmission rate was 7.8% |
ICU: intensive care unit.
Both studies drew upon the same cohort of prospectively enrolled patients.