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. 2019 Apr 16;10:790. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00790

Table 1.

Current evidence of phagocytosis alterations resulting from variants in disease-associated genes expressed in microglia.

Gene Associated diseases Models Alterations to phagocytosis References
TREM2 Alzheimer's disease (48, 49) Frontotemporal dementia (50) Parkinson's disease (50) Nasu-Hakola disease (51) Primary microglia from TREM2−/− mice Decreased phagocytosis of Aβ relative to WT microglia (52)
Reduced uptake of Aβ-lipoprotein complexes compared with WT and TREM2+/− (53)
Reduced uptake of E. coli particles compared with WT controls (54)
Human monocyte-derived macrophages from heterozygous carriers of the TREM2 R62H AD-associated variant Reduced uptake of Aβ-lipoprotein complexes compared with non-carriers (53)
shRNA knockdown of TREM2 expression in primary mouse microglia Reduced uptake of apoptotic neuronal membranes vs. control shRNA treated cells (36)
Immunohistochemical analysis of 5XFAD/TREM2−/− mice Decreased levels of Aβ within microglial phagosomes vs. WT. Haplodeficient TREM2+/− mice showed no significant reductions in Aβ uptake (55, 56)
Increased Aβ load in hippocampus of TREM2 knockout mice (52)
Immunohistochemical analysis of APPPS1-21/TREM2−/− mice Decreased Aβ load in hippocampus of TREM2 knockout mice vs. WT at 2 months (57)
Decreased Aβ load in hippocampus of TREM2 knockout mice vs. WT at 4 months (58)
Increased Aβ load in hippocampus of TREM2 knockout mice vs. WT at 8 months
Immunohistochemical analysis of APPPS1-21/TREM2+/− mice No difference in Aβ plaque load between WT and TREM2+/− mice at 3 or 7 months old (59)
iPSC-derived microglia-like cells from carriers of TREM2 T66M and W50C variants Decreased uptake of apoptotic neurons by TREM2 variant cells than by controls (60)
Non-phagocytic CHO cells transfected with TREM2 TREM2-CHO cells were capable of phagocytosing apoptotic neuronal cells (61)
CD33 Alzheimer's disease (62, 63) Primary microglia from CD33−/− mice Increased uptake of Aβ compared with WT microglia (64)
CD33 overexpression in BV2 mouse microglial cell line Decreased uptake of Aβ compared with control BV2 cells (64)
Frontal cortex samples from carriers of protective minor allele SNP rs3865444 Decreased formic acid-soluble Aβ42 levels in carriers of rs3865444 minor (T) allele than in major allele carriers (64)
TM2D3 Alzheimer's disease (65) CRISPR-Cas9 knockout in primary human macrophages and U937 human myeloid cell line Decreased uptake of Aβ and synaptosomes compared with WT (66)
PU.1 Alzheimer's disease (67) siRNA knockdown of PU.1 in adult human microglia Reduced phagocytosis of Aβ compared with controls (68)
α-Synuclein Parkinson's disease (69) Human iPSC-derived macrophages from PD patients carrying SNCA triplication mutations Increased release of α-synuclein and reduced phagocytosis capability compared with controls (70)
Progranulin Frontotemporal dementia (71, 72), Alzheimer's disease (73, 74) Microglia specific progranulin knockout in AD mice (Grnflox/flox/PDAPPSw, Ind J20) Decreased microglial phagocytosis of fluorescent beads in acute brain slices and increased hippocampal Aβ plaque-load vs. WT progranulin AD mice (75)
DAP12 Nasu-Hakola disease (51) Primary mouse microglia transfected with mutant DAP12 (lack ITAM signaling motif) Mutant DAP12 microglia phagocytosed less apoptotic neuronal material than control cells (36)
Bone marrow-derived macrophages from DAP12−/− mice Reduced phagocytosis of bacteria (76)
LRRK2 Parkinson's disease (77, 78) Microglia and BMDMs from Lrrk2−/− mice Reduced uptake of latex beads and E. coli bioparticles by primary microglia and BMDMs from knockout mice vs. WT. (79)
Decreased uptake of beads after injection into midbrain in Lrrk2−/− mice compared with controls
MerTK Multiple sclerosis (80, 81) in vitro human microglia and macrophages Pharmacological blockade of MerTK inhibits myelin phagocytosis in vitro (82)
MS patient macrophages display reduced expression of MerTK (83)