Biological testing of clinical PED-10 using agar biofilm bioluminescent assay. (A) Forty-eight-hour mature Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA Xen41) biofilms on agar strips were placed on culture plates with or without PED-10. The experiment setup of the agar biofilm bioluminescence assay for clinical PED biological testing. Top panels show the appearance of the agar biofilms 48 h postinoculation with Xen41. (B) Agar lawn biofilms were confirmed using IVIS imaging for metabolic activity, followed by excising strips of agar containing mature biofilm from plated. Bottom panels show the excised strips that were tested again for metabolic activity of biofilm by IVIS imaging before transfer onto control or test plates. (C) Plates (n = 3 agar slices/plate) included control 1 (no dressing), control 2 (PED-battery OFF), and test (PED-battery ON). (D) Representative digital and corresponding IVIS image of Xen41 exposed to controls or test treatment. Also included is a heat map showing intensity ranges. The intensity of blue signal shows that bacteria in both control groups show detectable metabolic activity, whereas the test group (battery ON) showed no activity indicating absence of viable bacteria. IVIS, in vivo imaging system.