Date | Event | Description |
1 July 2013 | Amended | Journal version of review (Grocott 2013) cited in ‘Other published versions of this review’. |
25 October 2012 | Amended | Amendment to acknowledgment section: acknowledging University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust‐University of Southampton Respiratory Biomedical Research Unit and University College London Hospital–University College London Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre. |
1 February 2006 | Amended | February 2006: The authors appealed against the original decision of the Cochrane Funders Arbiter. Their appeal was recently upheld by the Co‐chairs of the Steering Group and the decision of the funding arbiter over turned. The “Perioperative increase in global blood flow to explicit defined goals and outcomes following surgery" will be republished in The Cochrane Library in issue 2, 2006. The authors are working on the draft review. |
1 February 2005 | Amended | February 2005: "Perioperative increase in global blood flow to explicit defined goals and outcomes following surgery" was withdrawn from The Cochrane Library in issue 2, 2005 on the advice of the Cochrane Funders Arbiter. This was because the authors received funding from a commercial source (Elan Pharma) for the preparation of this review. This contravenes the current Cochrane policy on sponsorship. |