Fig. 2.
Representative images of colon cancer liver metastasis in different groups. a-d: Images of mice anatomy showing inner organs. The arrows pointing down indicated the transplanted tumor in the spleen. e-h: Images of mice livers and the arrows pointing left indicated the metastasis tumors. a, e: G1-Control group (normal saline, intragastric administration twice a day for 3 weeks); b, f: G2–5-Fu group (15 mg/kg intraperitoneal injection twice a week for 3 weeks); c, g: G3-MSJZ group (45 g/kg intragastric administration twice a day for 3 weeks); d, h: G4-Combined group (15 mg/kg 5-Fu, intraperitoneal injection twice a week and 45 g/kg MSJZ, intragastric administration twice a day for 3 weeks). 5-Fu: 5- fluorouracil; MSJZ: modified Si-Jun-Zi Decoction