Fig. 12.
Conditioned media from MeCP2-Tg female cortical astrocytes does not kill cortical neurons. a Left panel shows representative Western blot of MeCP2 expression in the cortex of two WT and two MeCP2-Tg 15-week female mice. Alpha tubulin was used as a loading control. Right panel shows quantification of 15-week WT (n = 8) and MeCP2-Tg (n = 9) female cortical lysates. b RT-PCR analysis of the cortex of male and female WT and MeCP2-Tg mice using primers human (h) and mouse (m) MeCP2 (n = 5). c Glutamate homeostasis is affected in male MeCP2-Tg mice but not in female MeCP2-Tg mice (n = 3). d Conditioned media from MeCP2-Tg female cortical astrocytes does not affect cortical neuron survival (n = 3), and there is no significant change in glutamate levels in conditioned media from WT and MeCP2-Tg female astrocytes (n = 3). e MeCP2-Tg males display elevated glutamate levels with increased MeCP2 expression(n = 7), while MeCP2-Tg females do not (n = 5). Transgenic animals are denoted in boxes. f Increased GFAP expression and decreased GLAST in male, but not female, MeCP2-Tg mice. ERK 1/2 was used as a loading control