Whole root excision promotes adventitious root formation in Arabidopsis hypocotyls. (A) Schematic representation of the induction system used. Dotted lines indicate the cut site. AR, adventitious root; dae, days after excision; das, days after sowing; PR, primary root. (B) Multicolored barplots show frequencies of ARs from 2 to 6 dae. (C) Histograms for AR number in a large sample of Col-0 seedlings with overlay of theoretical normal distribution. (D) Representative images of GUS expression foci (black arrowhead) in the hypocotyl of pDR5::GUS lines. White arrowheads mark the emerged AR primordia. Scale bar: 1 mm. (E) Rooting ability of the hypocotyl estimated by the presence of AR primordia (continuous lines) or GUS expression foci (dotted lines) of pDR5::GUS lines. Different letters indicate significant differences (LSD; p-value < 0.01) at each data point.