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. 2019 Apr 23;5(1):vey042. doi: 10.1093/ve/vey042

Table 1.

GenBank accession numbers for Gallid herpesvirus 2 full genomes used in identifying regions of maximum polymorphism.

Isolate Country of origin Pathotype Accession no.
CV1988, Rispens Netherlands attMDV DQ530348.1
814 China attMDV JF742597.1
LMS China vMDV JQ314003
GX0101 China vvMDV JX844666.1
CU-2 USA mMDV EU499381.1
GA USA vMDV AF147806.2
RB-1B USA vvMDV EF523390.1
Md5 USA vvMDV AF243438
Md11 USA vvMDV AY510475
648A-p11 USA vv+MDV JQ806361

Pathotypes: att, attenuated; m, moderately virulent; v, virulent; vv, very virulent; vv+, very virulent plus.