RT-PCR identifies a highly GC-rich sequence predicted to encode the ammo terminal region of BTBD2. A. RT-PCR strategy and the sequence of the amplified region are shown: BTBD2 coding region (open arrow), 3'-UTR (narrow open bar) and exons (wide open bar, 1 – 9), sense primers (UO and UI), antisense primers (LI and LO), GC-rich region (solid bar and sequence). B. Products of the RT-PCR are shown on an ethidium bromide gel. Reverse transcription was performed with antisense primers complementary to exon 2. The schematic shows the relevant portion of the mRNA template, the RT primers (LI and LO), the sense primers (UO and UI), and the amplified products (460 and 306 bp) that correspond to the bands on the agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide (lanes 1 & 2, DNA size standards; lane 3, product of reverse transcription with LO, 1st round PCR with UO and LO, and 2nd round PCR with UO and LI; lane 4, product of reverse transcription with LO, 1st round PCR with UO and LO, and 2nd round PCR with UI and LO.