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. 2017 Apr 12;2017(4):CD001431. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001431.pub5

18. Other condition‐specific health outcomes.

Study Outcome Scale used Timing N decision aid Decision aid outcome N comparison Comparison outcome Notes
Auvinen 2004 Death 5 years 104 41 (39%) 106 33 (31%) No difference
Disease‐free survival 10 years 104 74 (70.8%) 106 66 (62.5%) P = 0.14
Biochemical failure (rising serum PSA) 5 years 100 42 (42%) 96 34 (35%) P = 0.57
Disease progression 5 years 97 31 (32%) 92 28 (30%) P = 0.94
Knops 2014 Postoperative mortality 10 months 91 0 (0%) 87 0 (0%)  
Postoperative major morbidity 10 months 91 0 (0%) 87 2 (6%) P = .23
Aneurysm rupture during watchful waiting 10 months 91 0 (0%) 87 3 (8%) P = 0.12
Mathers 2012 HbA1c (change from baseline) 6 months 95 −0.37% 80 −0.24% P = 0.12
Morgan 2000 No angina CCVA 6 months 72 + 49% 88 + 48% No difference
Class I angina CCVA 6 months 72 −1% 88 + 6% No difference
Class II angina CCVA 6 months 72 −23% 88 −26% No difference
Class III angina CCVA 6 months 72 −26% 88 −28% No difference
Class IV angina CCVA 6 months 72 0% 88 0% No difference
Thomson 2007 Strokes or bleeds requiring admission 3 months 51 55 No strokes and no bleeds requiring admission. 1 bleed and 1 transient stroke both in control group that required GP consultation
Van Peperstraten 2010 Ongoing pregnancies (> 12 weeks gestation) After 1st IVF cycle 152 156 32% of participants in the intervention group and 38% of participants in the control group had ongoing pregnancies, P = 0.25
Twin pregnancies (> 12 weeks gestation) After 1st IVF cycle 152 156 4% of participants in intervention group and 6% of participants in control group had twin pregnancies, P = 0.33
Vuorma 2003 Inconvenience due to menstrual bleeding (5 to 25) 1 year 156 10.4 159 10.5 No difference
Menstrual pain (0 to 12) 1 year 156 4.7 159 4.6 No difference

AUA: American Urological Association; CCVA: Canadian Cardiovascular Angina; BPH: benign prostatic hyperplasia; DA: decision aid; SAQ: Seattle Angina Questionnaire.