Fig 4. Fibroblast activation markers are upregulated in shoulder capsule upon inflammatory stimulus and inflammatory protein in healthy fibroblasts following IL-1β (10ng/ml) stimulation.
(a) Stromal activation marker (CD248, PDPN, VCAM & CD146) mRNA expression following IL-1β stimulation of cultured healthy derived fibroblasts. Data represented 2-ΔΔCT, normalized to GAPDH housekeeping control, mean ± SEM, n = 5. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 compared to control samples (Students t-test). (b) Representative images of healthy capsule derived fibroblasts following IL-1β stimulation. Cells stained with antibodies against CD248, PDPN, VCAM and CD146, image at x40 magnification (bar is 200μm). Isotype control in bottom left corner (x40).