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. 2019 Apr 23;14(4):e0215549. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215549

Table 2. Outcome measurements comparing patients young vs. old.

< 65y (N = 100) ≥ 65y (N = 100) p-value
Mean (std.) Mean (std.)
Tortuosity index 1.05 (0.024) 1.14 (0.078) < 0.001*
CIa 1.05–1.06 1.13–1.16
Curvature ratio 1.00 (0.105) 1.01 (0.012) < 0.001*
CIa 0.99–1.00 1.01–1.01
Maximum Tortuosity 22.24 (4.710) 27.26 (7.233) < 0.001*
CIa 21.31–23.17 25.82–28.70
Level of Vertebrae 5 5 0.001*
Range 5–10 5–12
Minimum Tortuosity 0.83 (0.753) 1.67 (1.386) < 0.001*
CIa 0.68–0.98 1.40–1.94
Level of Vertebrae 11 11 0.032*
Range 8–12 7–12
Zone of maximum Tortuosity 4A 4A < 0.001*
Range 4A –D 4A – 4D
Group of angulation Low Low < 0.001*
Range Low–Moderate–High Low–Moderate–High
Percentage of patients with high tortuosity 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

*P-value is significant when p < 0.05

aCI: Confidence Interval