G |
The genome of a single deme, expressed as a binary string of zeros and ones |
N |
Number of genes in a genome. Typically at least several hundreds. |
t, Δt
Time and duration of a numerical time step |
M |
Number of mutations occurring in the whole model per time step. Set to 4 per time step. |
m |
Chance, per time step, that a mutation occurs in a particular deme |
A |
Total number of populated demes in model |
Number of individuals that populate one deme (Eqs 3 and 4) |
T |
Number of generations per time step (Eq 3) |
S |
Linear dimension of a deme (Eq 4) |
Mutation rate of a single individual |
s |
Competitive advantage |
D |
Parameter defining the chance, per time step, that an allele jumps from one deme to a neighbour (Eq 1). |
α |
Assortative mating factor (Eq 1). Set to either 0 or 0.05. |
ΔG |
Number of genes that have different alleles in two neighbouring demes (Eq 1) |
Reference diffusion coefficient (equals D when α = 0). Always set to unity here (Eqs 1 and 7). |
p |
Advantage factor, defining the rate at which an allele "1" spreads at the cost of its counterpart "0" (Eqs 2,4,6 and 7). Varied from 0.0125 to 0.05 in Fig 1; set to 0.05 in other figures. |
F |
"Fitness" of a genome: the sum of all alleles in one deme's genome (Eq 2). |
"Fitness" difference between two neighbouring demes (Eq 2). |
ρ |
Population density in number of individuals per km2 (Eq 4) |
Area in number of demes occupied by a mutation (a gene with the allele "1" instead of "0") (Eq 5) |
Radius of a circle with the same area as that occupied by a mutation (Amut) (Eqs 5 and 6) |
v |
Spreading velocity of a mutation (Eq 5) |
Length of the perimeter of an area occupied by a mutation (Eq 6) |
Mean chance of a mutation to reach fixation in whole model |
Number of mutation that have reached fixation in whole model |
Mean time for a mutation to reach fixation in whole model |
f |
Frequency of the occurrence of sweeps of a certain area (Eq 8) |
Normalised area of a sweep (number of swept demes/total number of populated demes in model) (Eq 8) |
q |
Exponent in power-law distribution of sweep areas (Eq 8) |