A) The drug resistance-related markers were significantly associated with latitude, including PGB mutations that were found in genetic background of K13 mutations that lead to artemisinin resistance (Pearson’s correlation test, p-value=1.58 × 10
r=–0.601), DHFR mutations that mediated pyrimethamine resistance (Pearson’s correlation test, p-value=0.0018,
r=–0.453), and the proportion of the haplotype of IRNxx [DHFR] and xGExx [DHPS], which was shown to be associated with treatment failure for the combination of pyrimethamine and sulfadoxine (Pearson’s correlation test, p-value=0.035,
r=–0.335). Red dotted line is the fitted linear regression line. (
B) The unions were clustered based on genetic information, the proportion of identical parasites between locations, using
Infomap (
Rosvall and Bergstrom, 2011). Unions without genetic data are shown in white; unions that had genetic data but did not cluster with any other union are shown in grey; the remaining colors represent the identified cluster (i.e. unions in the same cluster were colored using the same color).