Table 2.
Definition of items included in the Referral Reason Checklist
Item | Definition |
1. Parental death | One or both parents passed away |
2. Missing parent(s) | One or both parents has or have abandoned the family without any prior warning/signs and is/are currently uncontactable or unlocatable |
3. Parental divorce | Parents divorced, as well as any family conflicts resulted from it |
4. Parental hospitalization | One or both parent(s) being hospitalized for physical and/or mental health problems for more than half a year |
5. Non-specific unpreferable rearing conditions | To differentiate from absolute poverty, this includes situations such as deterioration in the living conditions of the child, the parent(s) being migrant workers, often leaving the child home alone or with other adults, child not being taken care of due to parental physical or occupational injury, disabilities, or illness, or the family having too many children |
6. Poverty | Financial hardship, including parental unemployment or unstable employment, low income compared to the national standard, high rates of family debt |
7. Parental imprisonment | One or both parents fail to care for the child due to time spent in prison, regardless of the length of stay |
8. Homelessness | The child or family do not have a fixed residence and live in outdoor/public spaces such as parks and streets |
9. Abandonment at infancy | Due to various reasons, the child is left abandoned in places such as hospitals, streets, and child welfare institutions, before turning 3 years old |
10. Child’s own developmental problems | The child is taken to state care facilities due to developmental difficulties |
11. Physical abuse | Includes parental behaviour that involve punching, kicking, throwing, violently shaking, burning, drowning a child, squeezing their neck, restraining them with a rope |
12. Emotional abuse | Child being verbally threatened, ignored, discriminated against siblings by parents, or parents being violent toward other family members in front of the child |
13. Sexual abuse | Parents, caregivers and other adults exhibiting sexual behaviour towards the child, or showing sexual acts, touching or touching genitals, making them subjects of pornography |
14. Physical neglect | The child has been keep/locked in the house, given no meals, left dirty without a cleaning routine, left alone in the car for a long period of time, failed to be taken to the hospital when needed, failed to be given the opportunity of education |
15. Other | Anything not mentioned in the 14 items |