Fig. 4.
Additional warming due to the nonlinear Arctic feedbacks relative to their legacy values. Differences between the GMST effects of the nonlinear PCF and SAF, and the GMST effects of their constant legacy values, obtained using the new PCF and SAF emulators in PAGE-ICE for a PCF, b SAF and c combined PCF & SAF. The legacy PCF value is zero and the legacy SAF value is the black dashed line in Fig. 2. Thick lines: ensemble mean; shaded areas: ±1SD. The cases when the GMST effect of the feedbacks is not significant at the 5% level: SAF under NDCs and NDCs Partial at the turn of the 22nd century, SAF under BaU in the second half of the 21st century, PCF & SAF combined under NDCs Partial in the second half of the 23rd century, and PCF & SAF combined under BaU from the second half of the 22nd century onwards. Source data are provided as a Source Data file