Fig. 8.
Heat map representing the expression profiles of genes composing the sphingolipid/lysophosphatidate/immune-associated signature in a wide range of ovarian cancer cell lines. Expression values (log2 transformed) for individual genes across 55 ovarian cancer cell lines were extracted using GENEVESTIGATOR. Expression values were subjected to unsupervised hierarchical clustering using Euclidean distance measurement (average linkage clustering). Color code: red, high expression (max 17.25); green, low expression (min 7.13). Genes exhibiting expression at microarray detection limit are indicated by asterisks. Cell lines were grouped into five sub-categories according to Domcke S. et al. [64]: 1, likely high-grade serous; 2, possibly high-grade serous; 3, unlikely high-grade serous; 4, hyper-mutated; 5, unclassified. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)