Fig. 10.
Similarity and overlap in expression patterns between SMPD1 and CD68.
A Immunohistochemical staining of tissue sections obtained from patients with serous ovarian cancer; Module III in Fig. 1. Consequent tissue sections were stained for SMPD1 and CD68. Representative images show the overlap in expression for intra-tumoral macrophages (a, SMPD1; c, CD68) and phagocytes organized into phagocytic islands (b, SMPD1; d, CD68). Furthermore, (e) example of SMPD1 expression by the tumor cells is shown; staining was detected at the basolateral side of the epithelial layer; insert: the high-power view. Brown color, SMPD1 or CD68 staining; blue color, nuclear counterstaining with hematoxylin. Scale bar: 50 μm.
B Venn diagram shows overlap between genes co-regulated with CD68 and SMPD1 in monocytes/macrophages. For both, CD68 and SMPD1, the top 200 co-regulated Affymetrix probes sets were extracted via GEVESTIGATOR from microarray studies exploring gene expression in monocytes/macrophages (described in detail in Methods). Comparison was done on the basis of the corresponding gene names (n = 183 for CD68; n = 200 for SMPD1). The overlap (color code: rose) between the two lists includes the following 25 genes: CLDN23, ARMCX1, ATP9B, ATP6V1D, MTMR2, KCTD9, TTC7B, SLC25A13, VAT1, NTAN1, MITF, ENOSF1, NR1H3, UNC13B, CDK4, GSS, DHDDS, SLAMF8, NANP, PEBP1, FAM98A, FAIM, ESYT1, DBI, PIGN.
C Gene enrichment analysis for Gene Ontology (GO) using GENEVESTIGATOR gene set enrichment tool. The Venn diagram displays the input gene set (SMPD1_CD68_25 genes_overlap; color code: rose) and the top 3 gene sets from the background collection (color code: grey, violet, green). The respective GO terms and annotations are provided. The numbers indicate how many genes are found in overlaps. (D) Gene network reconstruction using the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis Software (IPA) on the basis of the gene set SMPD1_CD68_25 genes_overlap; Module V in Fig. 1. Insert: the IPA-based description of symbols and relationships. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)