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. 2019 Apr 10;7(4):e12210. doi: 10.2196/12210

Table 1.

Participant demographics and mean baseline anthropometrics.

Variable Intervention app Control e-diary Total sample (N=90)
Age, mean; range 20.16 20.22 20.19; 18-24
Year 2.2 2.3 2.25=second year
Sex (female), % 74 61 67
Ethnicity (white), % 77 71 74
Weight, mean (SD) 76.4 (15.44) 76.18 (17.07) 76.29 (16.18)
Body mass index (kg/m2), mean (SD); range 26.09 (4.795) 25.73 (4.75) 25.91 (4.74); 21-43
Stressa, mean (SD) 18.18 (6.7) 18.82 (5.6) 18.5 (6.5)
Mindfulnessb, mean (SD) 24.29 (4.326) 25.56 (4.031) 24.92 (4.326)
Mindful eatingc, mean (SD) 2.588 (0.37) 2.639 (0.241) 2.61 (0.316)
Weight-related behaviorsd, mean (SD)

Emotional Eating 7.78 (2.575) 6.64 (2.469) 7.21 (2.57)

Uncontrolled Eating 22.02 (4.490) 21.58 (4.33) 21.80 (4.394)

Cognitive Restraint 16.2 (3.9) 15.81 (3.8) 16 (3.87)
Physical activitye, total minutes per week 173 (105) 156 (105) 164.5 (105)

aPerceived Stress Scale.

bCognitive and Affective Mindfulness Questionnaire.

cMindful Eating Questionnaire.

dThree Factor Eating Behavior Questionnaire.

eInternational Physical Activity Questionnaire (short).