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. 2019 Apr 8;16(7):1241. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16071241

Table 1.

Characteristics of the population in Nepal for the 2001–2016 waves (n = 16,802).

Study Variable n (% *) NMR a (95% CI f) PNMR b (95% CI) IMR c (95% CI) CMR d (95% CI) U5MR e (95% CI)
Year of survey
2001 4714 (28) 22 (20, 23) 13 (12, 14) 35 (32, 37) 7 (5, 8) 42 (37, 45)
2006 4029 (24) 17 (15, 19) 11 (9, 12) 28 (24, 31) 4 (3, 5) 32 (27, 36)
2011 4118 (25) 18 (16, 21) 7 (6, 8) 25 (22, 29) 2 (1, 3) 27 (23, 32)
2016 3941 (23) 10 (9, 12) 8 (7, 9) 18 (16, 21) 1 (1, 2) 19 (17, 23)
Type of residence
Urban 3461 (21) 9 (8, 11) 9 (7, 10) 18 (15, 21) 2 (1, 3) 20 (16, 24)
Rural 13,341 (79) 19 (17, 21) 10 (8, 11) 29 (25, 32) 4 (3, 5) 33 (28, 37)
Ecological zone
Terai 8663 (52) 18 (16, 20) 9 (8, 11) 27 (24, 31) 4 (3, 5) 31 (27, 36)
Hill 6871 (41) 16 (14, 18) 8 (7, 10) 24 (21, 28) 3 (2, 4) 27 (23, 32)
Mountain 1268 (8) 20 (18, 22) 19 (17, 21) 39 (35, 43) 5 (4, 6) 44 (39, 49)
Wealth index
Rich 3239 (19) 9 (8, 11) 6 (5, 7) 15 (14, 18) 2 (1, 3) 17 (14, 21)
Middle 6220 (37) 18 (16, 20) 10 (8, 11) 28 (24, 31) 3 (2, 4) 31 (26, 35)
Poor 7343 (44) 20 (18, 22) 11 (9, 13) 31 (27, 35) 5 (4, 6) 36 (31, 41)
Buddhist 1191 (7) 14 (12, 16) 5 (4, 6) 19 (16, 22) 4 (3, 5) 23 (19, 27)
Hindu 14,191 (84) 17 (15, 19) 10 (8, 11) 27 (23, 30) 4 (3, 5) 31 (26, 35)
Others 1420 (8) 18 (16, 20) 11 (10, 13) 29 (26, 33) 2 (1, 3) 31 (27, 36)
Brahmin/chettri 4735 (28) 15 (13, 16) 9 (8, 11) 24 (21, 27) 2 (1, 3) 26 (22, 30)
Dalit 2550 (15) 22 (20, 24) 10 (9, 12) 32 (29, 36) 5 (4, 6) 37 (33, 42)
Janajati 5694 (34) 12 (11, 14) 8 (7, 10) 20 (18, 24) 4 (3, 5) 24 (21, 29)
Madhesi 3824 (23) 24 (22, 27) 12 (10, 13) 36 (32, 40) 4 (3, 5) 40 (35, 45)
Mother education
Secondary or higher 5000 (30) 10 (9, 12) 6 (5, 8) 16 (14, 20) 2 (1, 3) 18 (15, 23)
Primary 3010 (18) 14 (12, 16) 11 (10, 13) 25 (22, 29) 2 (1, 3) 27 (23, 32)
No education 8792 (52) 22 (20, 24) 11 (9, 13) 33 (29, 37) 6 (5, 7) 39 (34, 44)
Mother’s literacy level (n = 16,800)
Can read 8828 (53) 12 (10, 13) 8 (6, 9) 20 (16, 22) 2 (1, 3) 22 (17, 25)
Cannot read 7972 (47) 23 (21, 25) 12 (10, 13) 35 (31, 38) 6 (5, 7) 41 (36, 45)
Father’s education (n = 16,770)
Secondary or higher 8647 (51) 14 (12, 15) 9 (7, 10) 23 (19, 24) 3 (2, 4) 26 (21, 28)
Primary 4136 (25) 19 (17, 21) 11 (9, 12) 30 (26, 33) 5 (4, 6) 35 (30, 39)
No education 3986 (24) 23 (21, 25) 11 (9, 13) 34 (30, 38) 5 (4, 6) 39 (35, 44)
Mother occupation (16,800)
Not working 4226 (25) 15 (13, 17) 6 (5, 7) 21 (18, 24) 2 (1, 2) 22 (20, 24)
Agriculture 10,725 (64) 17 (15, 19) 11 (10, 13) 28 (25, 32) 5 (4, 6) 33 (31, 36)
Skilled/professional 1850 (11) 19 (17, 22) 10 (8, 11) 29 (25, 33) 3 (2, 4) 32 (30, 35)
Mother’s age
40–49 824 (5) 21 (18, 23) 11 (9, 13) 32 (27, 36) 15 (13, 16) 47 (40, 52)
30–39 4089 (24) 15 (14, 17) 10 (8, 11) 25 (22, 28) 4 (3, 5) 29 (25, 33)
20–29 10,525 (63) 16 (14, 18) 9 (8, 11) 25 (22, 29) 3 (2, 4) 28 (24, 33)
<20 1364 (8) 28 (25, 30) 12 (11, 14) 40 (36, 44) 1 (1, 2) 41 (37, 46)
Mother’s desire for Pregnancy (n = 16,801)
Wanted then 11,695 (70) 18 (16, 20) 10 (9, 12) 28 (25, 32) 4 (3, 5) 32 (28, 37)
Wanted later 2165 (13) 14 (12, 16) 7 (6, 9) 21 (19, 25) NA 21 (19, 25)
No more 2940 (18) 17 (15, 19) 10 (8, 11) 27 (23, 30) 6 (5, 7) 33 (28, 37)
Birth rank and birth interval
2nd/3rd birth rank, >2 years 5607 (33) 13 (11, 15) 9 (7, 10) 22 (18, 25) 2 (1, 3) 24 (19, 28)
1st child 4881 (29) 20 (18, 22) 10 (8, 11) 32 (26, 33) 3 (2, 4) 35 (28, 37)
2nd/3rd child, interval ≤2 years 1740 (10) 20 (18, 22) 9 (7, 10) 29 (25, 32) 3 (2, 4) 32 (27, 36)
4th/higher child, interval >2 years 3503 (21) 14 (12, 16) 11 (10, 13) 25 (22, 29) 5 (4, 6) 30 (26, 35)
4th/higher child, interval ≤ 2 years 1072 (6) 31 (28, 33) 11 (10, 13) 42 (38, 46) 11 (10, 13) 53 (48, 59)
Previous Death of a child
No 13,809 (82) 8 (7, 9) 5 (4, 6) 13 (11, 15) 1 (1, 2) 14 (12, 17)
Yes 2993 (18) 59 (55, 63) 30 (28, 33) 89 (83, 96) 15 (13, 17) 104 (96, 113)
Child Sex
Male 8822 (53) 17 (15, 19) 8 (7, 10) 25 (22, 29) 4 (3, 5) 29 (25, 34)
Female 7980 (47) 17 (15, 19) 11 (10, 13) 28 (26, 32) 4 (3, 5) 32 (29, 37)
Types of drinking water source (15,659)
Improved 13,199 (79) 16 (14, 18) 9 (8, 11) 25 (22, 29) 3 (2, 4) 28 (24, 33)
Unimproved 2460 (15) 15 (13, 17) 12 (10, 13) 27 (23, 30) 7 (5, 8) 34 (28, 38)
Types of sanitation facilities (n = 15,652)
Improved 6302 (38) 12 (11, 14) 9 (7, 10) 21 (18, 24) 1 (1, 2) 22 (20, 24)
Unimproved 9350 (56) 19 (16, 21) 10 (9, 12) 29 (25, 33) 5 (4, 6) 34 (29, 39)
Types of Cooking Fuel (15,659)
Improved 2478 (15) 8 (6, 9) 8 (6, 9) 16 (12, 18) 2 (1, 3) 18 (13, 21)
Unimproved 13,182 (78) 18 (16, 20) 10 (9, 12) 28 (25, 32) 4 (3, 5) 32 (28, 37)
Number of ANC visits (n = 16,792)
4+ANC visits 6660 (40) 9 (8, 11) 8 (6, 9) 17 (14, 20) 2 (1, 3) 19 (15, 23)
1–3 ANC visits 5825 (35) 19 (17, 22) 8 (7, 9) 27 (24, 31) 2 (1, 3) 29 (25, 34)
No ANC visits 4307 (26) 26 (23, 28) 15 (13, 17) 41 (36, 45) 9 (7, 10) 50 (43, 55)
TT Pregnancy Times (n = 16,798)
Two or more TT 10,143 (60) 12 (10, 13) 7 (6, 9) 19 (16, 22) 2 (1, 3) 21 (17, 25)
One TT 2441 (15) 20 (18, 22) 10 (9, 12) 30 (27, 34) 3 (2, 4) 33 (29, 38)
No TT 4214 (25) 29 (26, 31) 15 (13, 17) 44 (39, 48) 8 (6, 9) 52 (45, 57)
IFA supplementation (16,801)
Yes 10,168 (61) 13 (11, 15) 8 (7, 9) 21 (18, 24) 1 (1, 2) 22 (19, 26)
No 6633 (39) 23 (21, 25) 13 (11, 14) 36 (32, 39) 7 (6, 9) 43 (38, 48)
Place of delivery (16,801)
Health facility 5462 (33) 12 (11, 14) 8 (7, 10) 20 (18, 24) 1 (1, 2) 21 (19, 26)
Home facility 11,338 (67) 19 (17, 21) 10 (9, 12) 29 (28, 33) 5 (4, 6) 34 (32, 39)
Delivery assistance (16,801)
Doctors/nurses 4544 (27) 12 (10, 14) 9 (8, 11) 21 (18, 25) 1 (1, 2) 22 (19, 27)
Others 12,257 (73) 19 (17, 21) 10 (8, 11) 29 (25, 32) 5 (4, 6) 34 (29, 38)
Mode of delivery (16,801)
Non caesarean 16,006 (95) 18 (16, 20) 10 (8, 11) 28 (24, 31) 4 (3, 5) 32 (27, 36)
Caesarean 796 (5) 6 (5, 7) 10 (9, 12) 16 (14, 19) 2 (1, 3) 18 (15, 22)
Current use of contraceptives at the time of the survey
Yes 6422 (38) 10 (8, 11) 5 (4, 6) 15 (12, 17) 2 (1, 3) 17 (13, 20)
No 10,380 (62) 22 (19, 24) 13 (11, 14) 35 (30, 38) 5 (4, 6) 40 (35, 44)

* Percentage did not add up to 100% because of missing values. a Neonatal Mortality Rates; b Post-neonatal Mortality Rates; c Infant Mortality Rates; d Child Mortality Rates (CMR); e Under-five Mortality Rates; f Confidence Interval.