Transmission electron microscopic imaging of Lipofectamine LTX/mRNA LNPs. Two LNP formulations were prepared by mixing mRNA with (a–c) minimal or (d–g) maximal volume of lipofectamine LTX solution that the manufactures suggest to use ((a–c) Lipo-Min and (d–g) Lipo-Max). (a–c) Lipo-Min loaded with (a) 5 PEG-OligoRNAs/mRNA, (b) 10 PEG-OligoRNAs/mRNA, and (c) 20 PEG-OligoRNAs/mRNA. (d–g) Lipo-Max loaded with (d) unhybridized mRNA, (e) 5 PEG-OligoRNAs/mRNA, (f) 10 PEG-OligoRNAs/mRNA, and (g) 20 PEG-OligoRNAs/mRNA. Dotted circle showed large particles prepared through association of several smaller particles. Scale bars: 100 nm.