Figure 2.
HAX1 gene copy number is altered in breast cancer patients. (a) Alterations in HAX1 gene analyzed in 7 cohorts of invasive breast carcinoma patients using cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics. (b-c) HAX1 gene copy number in TCGA-BRCA data from the Oncomine Platform for (b) invasive ductal carcinoma and (c) invasive lobular carcinoma compared to blood and normal breast tissue. (d-e) Comparison of HAX1 expression in primary breast cancer samples in relation to DNA copy number in (d) METABRIC cohort [29] and (e) TCGA-BRCA cohort [30]. Differences between groups were assessed by Fisher's ANOVA followed by post-hoc Tukey-Kramer test. (f) Correlation of HAX1 expression and log2 copy number values in TCGA-BRCA cohort (Pearson's correlation coefficient).