Table 2.
Causes of Failure to Normalize BP
Lack of health insurance |
Lack of access to health care |
Absence of a usual source of care |
Failure to diagnose HT |
Failure to screen for high BP |
Inaccurate BP measurement |
Failure to recognize masked HT |
Clinician therapeutic inertia |
Failure to treat masked HT |
Failure to initiate treatment when HT is present |
Failure to intensify therapy in a treated patient when BP is above goal |
Inadequate patient education |
Absence of shared decision-making |
Inadequate lifestyle recommendations and counseling |
Low adherence to lifestyle modification and/or prescribed antihypertensive medication |
Absence of home or ambulatory BP monitoring and reporting |
Low patient and/or provider awareness of BP target |
Absence of systematic follow-up |
Abbreviations as in Table 1.