Individual staff constraints |
Influencing staff’s perception on the value of the innovation
Communicating public health perspectives and the value of a specific innovation
Communicating links between innovations and Department of Health goals
Understanding staff’s personalities, motivations, skills and interests
Working with gatekeepers to influence perceptions and practices
Role modelling positive attitude to change and commitment to the community
Employing strategies to motivate staff
Gaining community perspectives on innovation and communicating these with staff
Health system constraints |
Workload inducing resistance to change
Suboptimal communication through DOH structures
Hierarchy of health system limits managers decision-making innovations
Frequency and pace of change is overwhelming
Communicating the ‘bigger picture’ of reduced patient visits (benefit to facility and staff)
Working with staff unions to influence perceptions of innovation
Responding quickly to staff concerns
Providing positive feedback and regular communication about innovation adoption
Facilitating teambuilding
Finding non-financial ways to reward staff
Rapidly internalizing and packaging innovation information for presentation to frontline staff
Employing appropriate planning strategies to facilitate consultation with staff and implementation
Using a participatory management style
Adopting a collaborative planning approach to strengthen staff support while following policy directives.
Executing a review mechanism for implementation of innovations to ensure sustained support
Harnessing appropriate planning skills to drive the consultative planning process, piloting, engagement, response and feedback