Extended Data Fig. 8 |. Involvement of neural crest transcription factors in SSCs during distraction.
a, Motifs enriched in FAK-R and FAK-NR sites in SSCs and BCSPs. The size of each diamond represents the negative P value for enrichment (one-sided binomial, Benjamini–Hochberg correction); colours represent the percentage of sites in target/percentage of sites in background. b, Heat map showing expression of Sox-family transcription factors. Colours represent z-scored t.p.m. values from RNA-seq at PODs 5, 10 and 15 for d-SSCs and f-SSCs. Only factors with t.p.m. greater than or equal to 3 in at least one sample are shown. c, As for b, but for Ets-family transcription factors. d, The Sox10 locus (with its location on chromosome 15 shown at the top), showing accessibility at the promoter that is distraction-specific (red), congruent with the expression data in b and the RNA-seq track below. The signal for tracks is normalized by read depth and overall peak enrichment in the library. Tracks are representative of two biological replicates. e, Experimental scheme for tamoxifen induction of Sox10creERT2;R26mT/mG mice during the early and mid-distraction phase (POD5–10) to trace the Sox10+ lineage in a distraction-specific context. Mandibles were collected for confocal microscopy at POD29 (n = 4). f, Confocal micrograph of Sox10creERT2;R26mT/mG mandible at POD29, demonstrating the capability of Sox10+ cells to give rise to the distraction regenerate. Filters are, from left to right, mT (mTomato, background), mG (mGFP, Sox10+ lineage), mTmG (merged) and merged (mTmG with DAPI). g, Confocal micrograph of Sox10creERT2;R26mT/mG mandible at POD29, showing the presence of Sox10-lineage cells within surrounding callus and periosteum to give rise to the regenerate. Scale bars, 200 μm (b, c). n refers to the number of animals in each independent experiment.