Histology analysis. (a) H&E staining of wounds after 14 day
post-surgery (untreated control, treated with CA nanofibers, and treated with
CA/SPH nanofibers). In the top panel, the yellow arrows indicate the edge of the
epidermal layer and the yellow dots outline the scar area. The yellow lines in
the bottom panels of the zoom-in images delimit the epidermal layer in the skin
tissue. Scales in the top and bottom panels are 500 μm and 200 μm,
respectively. (b–e) Quantitative analysis of b) epithelial gap, c)
epithelial thickness, d) scar index, and e) collagen alignment from H&E
staining images. Fiber wound dressings were prepared from 3 productions for each
condition Bars represent standard error, n=3 wounds and 3 mice
for control, n=4 wounds and 3 mice for CA and CA/SPH
nanofibers, n=5 wounds and 5 mice for healthy tissue, at least
3 sections per wound, * indicates p < 0.05.