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. 2015 Oct 20;2015(10):CD008244. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008244.pub3
Study Maximum daily dose of milnacipran
 Titration/fixed Adverse events (general) Adverse events (specific) Withdrawals
Arnold 2010 1‐ to 4‐week screening and washout
 4‐ to 6‐week flexible dose titration
 12‐week stable dose
 2‐week randomised discontinuation (not considered here)
 Target dose 100 mg/day (2 x 50 mg)
Treatment duration
Max 18 weeks
 Stable 12 weeks
Participants with ≥ 1
 Miln = 434/516
 Plac = 382/509
 Most mild to moderate
 Miln = 8/516
 Plac = 6/509
 No deaths In ≥ 5%
Nausea: Miln 189/516, Plac 106/509
Headache: Miln 92/516, Plac 80/509
Constipation: Miln 76/516, Plac 20/509
Hot flush: Miln 56/516, Plac 18/509
Dizziness: Miln 54/516, Plac 26/509
Insomnia: Miln 51/516, Plac 41/509
Hyperhidrosis: Miln 40/516, Plac 7/509
Palpitations: Miln 38/516, Plac 15/509
Fatigue: Miln 31/516, Plac 22/509
 All‐cause = 159
 AE = 92
 LoE = 24
 Pt consent = 27
 All‐cause = 150
 AE = 71
LoE = 33
Participant consent = 21
Bateman 2013 4 weeks' duloxetine 60 mg/day for ≥ 4 weeks before enrolment
2 weeks' duloxetine 60 mg
10 weeks' randomised miln (direct switch) 100 mg/day with possibility to escalate to 200 mg/day or de‐escalate to 50‐75 mg/day or 10 weeks' placebo (first week blinded duloxetine 30 mg)
1 week down‐taper period
Participants with ≥ 1
 Miln = 63/85
 Plac = 16/21
 Most mild to moderate
 Miln = 2/85
 Plac = 0/21
 No deaths
Nausea: Miln 18/85, Plac 6/21
Diarrhoea: Miln 4/85, Plac 3/21
Irritability: Miln 6/85, Plac 1/21
Fatigue: Miln 3/85, Plac 2/21
Nasopharyngitis: Miln 6/85, Plac 0/21
Blood pressure increased: Miln 5/85, Plac 0/21
Muscle spasms: Miln 0/85, Plac 2/21
Dizziness: Miln 13/85, Plac 1/21
Headache: Miln 10/85, Plac 2/21
Migraine: Miln 1/85, Plac 2/21
Paraesthesia: Miln 1/85, Plac 2/21
Insomnia: Miln 9/85, Plac 2/21
Anxiety: Miln 5/85, Plac 0/21
Hyperhidrosis: Miln 5/85, Plac 0/21
Hot flush: Miln 7/85, Plac 1/21
All‐cause = 35/86
AE = 15
LoE = 8
Participant consent = 6
5 lost to follow‐up, 1 did not take any drug
All‐cause = 10/21
AE = 2
LoE = 6
Participant consent = 0
2 lost to follow‐up
Branco 2010 1‐ to 4‐week washout
2‐week training and randomisation
 4‐week dose escalation
 12‐week stable dose
 9‐day down‐titration
 2‐week follow‐up
 Target dose 200 mg/day (2 x 100 mg)
Treatment duration
Max 16 weeks
 Stable 12 weeks
Participants with ≥ 1
 Miln: 363/431
 Plac: 331/446
 Most mild to moderate, and in titration period
 Miln: 11/431 (14 events)
 Plac: 11/446 (16 events)
 No deaths In ≥ 5%
Nausea: Miln 112/431, Plac 50/446
Hyperhidrosis: Miln 102/431, Plac 13/446
Headache: Miln 73/431, Plac 55/446
Constipation: Miln 54/431, Plac 10/446
Dizziness: Miln 44/431, Plac 34/446
Palpitations: Miln 34/431, Plac 13/446
Insomnia: Miln 33/431, Plac 24/446
Nasopharyngitis: Miln 33/431, Plac 33/446
Hot flush: Miln 30/431, Plac 5/446
Tachycardia: Miln 29/431, Plac 3/446
Vomiting: 22/431, Plac 15/446
 All‐cause = 119
 AE = 95
 LoE = 24
 Participant consent = 7
 All‐cause = 72
 AE = 42
 LoE = 31
 Pt consent = 7
5 participants with Miln and 3 with Plac did not have evaluable data: problem with 1 study centre (4), did not receive medication (3), missing baseline data (1)
Clauw 2008 1‐ to 4‐week washout, 2‐week training, randomisation
 3‐week dose escalation
 12‐week stable dose
 Target dose 100 mg/day (2 x 50 mg) or 200 mg/day (2 x 100 mg)
Treatment duration
Max 15 weeks
 Stable 12 weeks
Participants with ≥ 1
 Miln 100 = 358/399
 Miln 200 = 346/396
 Plac = 317/401
 Most mild to moderate
 Miln 100 = 5/399
 Miln 200 = 4/396
 Plac = 6/401
 No deaths In ≥ 5% active group:
Nausea: Miln 100 137/399, Miln 200 149/396, Plac 77/401
Headache: Miln 100 72/399, Miln 200 70/396, Plac 58/401
Constipation: Miln 100 57/399, Miln 200 71/396, Plac 16/401
Insomnia: Miln 100 42/399, Miln 200 62/396, Plac 42/401
Hot flush: Miln 100 46/399, Miln 200 58/396, Plac 5/401
Dizziness: Miln 100 38/399, Miln 200 36/396, Plac 17/401
Palpitations: Miln 100 26/399, Miln 200 30/396, Plac 10/401
Fatigue: Miln 100 25/399, Miln 200 28/396, Plac 22/401
Sinusitis: Miln 100 22/399, Miln 200 26/396, Plac 18/401
Hyperhidrosis: Miln 100 25/399, Miln 200 23/396, Plac 5/401
Hypertension: Miln 100 25/399, Miln 200 15/396, Plac 6/401
Vomiting: Miln 100 24/399, Miln 200 20/396, Plac 9/401
Diarrhoea: Miln 100 22/399, Miln 200 13/396, Plac 24/401
Increased heart rate: Miln 100 20/399, Miln 200 21/396, Plac 1/401
Migraine: Miln 100 20/399, Miln 200 20/396, Plac 9/401
Depression: Miln 100 14/399, Miln 200 12/396, Plac 24/401
Miln 100
 All‐cause = 135
 AE = 78
 LoE = 28
 Participant consent = 14
 Miln 200
 All‐cause = 139
 AE = 94
 LoE = 19
 Participant consent = 15
 All‐cause = 111
 AE = 38
 LoE = 36
 Participant consent = 20
2 participants with Miln 100, 5 with Miln 200, and 4 with Plac excluded from all analyses: problem with 1 study centre (9), did not receive medication (1), enrolled at 2 centres (1)
Mease 2009 1‐4 weeks' screening and washout
 2‐week baseline and training, randomisation
 3‐week dose escalation
 24 weeks' stable dose
 All medication given as divided doses, 2 x daily
Treatment duration
Max 27 weeks
 Stable 24 weeks
Participants with ≥ 1:
 Miln 100 = 188/224
 Miln 200 = 400/441
 Plac = 190/223
 Most mild or moderate
 Miln 100 = 3/224
 Miln 200 = 11/441
 Plac = 6/223 In ≥ 5%:
Nausea: Miln 100 73/224, Miln 200 177/441, Plac 47/223
Headache: Miln 100 35/224, Miln 200 78/441, Plac 26/223
Constipation: Miln 100 41/224, Miln 200 63/441, Plac 6/223
Hyperhidrosis: Miln 100 22/224, Miln 200 55/441, Plac 5/223
Dizziness: Miln 100 26/224, Miln 200 50/441, Plac 15/223
Hot flush: Miln 100 22/224, Miln 200 46/441, Plac 6/223
Insomnia: Miln 100 24/224, Miln 200 41/441, Plac 15/223
Vomiting: Miln 100 11/224, Miln 200 36/441, Plac 4/223
Sinusitis: Miln 100 11/224, Miln 200 32/441, Plac 18/223
Increased heart rate: Miln 100 12/224, Miln 200 32/441, Plac 5/223
Dry mouth: Miln 100 13/224, Miln 200 31/441, Plac 6/223
URTI: Miln 100 20/224, Miln 200 30/441, Plac 16/223
Palpitations: Miln 100 18/224, Miln 200 25/441, Plac 2/223
Diarrhoea: Miln 100 10/224, Miln 200 23/441, Plac 16/223
Miln 100
 All‐cause = 96/224
 AE = 44/224
 LoE = 26/224
 Miln 200
 All‐cause = 202/441
 AE = 119/441
 LoE = 49/441
 All‐cause = 78/223
 AE = 23/223
 LoE = 34/223
Vitton 2004 1‐4 weeks‐ screening and washout
 2‐week baseline/training, randomisation
 4‐week dose titration
 8‐week stable dose
Miln given as single or divided dose
Treatment duration
Max 12 weeks
Stable 8 weeks
No data for participants with ≥ 1 AE
 Most AE of mild or moderate intensity No data Miln 2 x 100
 All‐cause = 14/51
 AE = 7/51
 LoE = 3/51
Miln 1 x 200
 All‐cause = 14/46
 AE = 10/46
 LoE = 3/46
 All‐cause = 7/28
 AE = 1/28
 LoE = 5/28
AE: adverse event; LoE: lack of efficacy; max: maximum; Miln: milnacipran; Plac: placebo; SAE: serious adverse event; URTI: upper respiratory tract infection