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. 2019 Mar 12;234(5):622–636. doi: 10.1111/joa.12953

Table 1.

Species of the order Carnivora included in the study with average values of frontation (Ω), convergence (β), and orbitotemporal (Ω) angles, as well as skull length (Sk. Length). The ecological classifications were established following the literature (see text for details)

Family Specie Activity Habitat Substrate α (°) β (°) Ω (°) Sk. Length (mm)
Ailuridae Ailurus fulgens Nocturnal Closed Arboreal 54.72 59.18 46.30 97.79
Canidae Canis aureus Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 58.55 44.46 37.46 146.78
Canidae Canis latrans Crepuscular Mixted Terrestrial 60.93 46.35 41.12 174.56
Canidae Canis lupus Crepuscular Mixted Terrestrial 60.51 46.04 41.80 213.53
Canidae Canis mesomelas Nocturnal Opened Terrestrial 57.58 45.85 39.02 143.40
Canidae Cerdocyon thous Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 57.78 45.56 34.22 132.64
Canidae Chrysocyon brachyurus Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 65.97 46.06 39.51 194.33
Canidae Cuon alpinus Crepuscular Mixted Terrestrial 58.81 44.39 35.66 164.04
Canidae Lycalopex culpaeus Nocturnal Opened Terrestrial 52.72 50.48 37.54 144.56
Canidae Lycalopex gymnocercus Nocturnal Opened Terrestrial 51.76 50.53 32.75 118.58
Canidae Lycalopex vetulus Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 55.34 48.44 35.91 101.52
Canidae Lycaon pictus Crepuscular Opened Terrestrial 54.26 50.24 41.06 181.34
Canidae Nyctereutes procyonoides Nocturnal Closed Arboreal 56.51 49.16 37.49 107.82
Canidae Otocyon megalotis Crepuscular Opened Terrestrial 59.01 42.95 34.50 102.53
Canidae Speothos venaticus Diurnal Closed Terrestrial 53.66 50.01 34.24 123.53
Canidae Urocyon cinereoargenteus Nocturnal Closed Arboreal 66.15 41.93 40.86 106.80
Canidae Vulpes chama Nocturnal Opened Terrestrial 59.99 40.95 44.14 90.62
Canidae Vulpes lagopus Nocturnal Opened Terrestrial 54.89 45.37 34.24 123.10
Canidae Vulpes macrotis Nocturnal Opened Terrestrial 54.14 47.56 34.10 108.44
Canidae Vulpes velox Nocturnal Opened Terrestrial 55.05 45.58 34.93 103.34
Canidae Vulpes vulpes Nocturnalr Mixted Terrestrial 51.66 49.20 34.08 140.85
Canidae Vulpes zerda Nocturnal Opened Terrestrial 56.32 45.84 35.38 87.38
Eupleridae Cryptoprocta ferox Nocturnal Closed Arboreal 54.13 46.40 30.54 103.63
Eupleridae Eupleres goudotii Crepuscular Closed Terrestrial 53.20 42.84 22.12 79.09
Eupleridae Fossa fossana Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 50.14 46.66 40.53 84.80
Felidae Acinonyx jubatus Diurnal Opened Terrestrial 72.38 41.65 52.77 155.01
Felidae Caracal caracal Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 64.27 48.95 48.15 108.82
Felidae Homotherium serum 66.93 37.24 37.36 264.14
Felidae Leopardus colocolo Diurnal Opened Terrestrial 67.27 47.61 47.84 83.86
Felidae Leopardus geoffroyi Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 65.75 45.05 41.53 94.19
Felidae Leopardus guigna Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 67.90 43.11 42.17 79.89
Felidae Leopardus pardalis Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 66.53 51.38 49.70 120.06
Felidae Leopardus wiedii Nocturnal Closed Arboreal 67.61 49.91 51.60 83.00
Felidae Leptailurus serval Nocturnal Opened Terrestrial 65.80 48.11 50.01 105.69
Felidae Lynx canadensis Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 66.01 43.93 44.72 103.00
Felidae Lynx lynx Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 65.67 44.97 48.53 129.72
Felidae Lynx pardinus Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 70.03 45.10 49.39 111.71
Felidae Lynx rufus Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 72.52 43.81 51.64 101.77
Felidae Panthera leo Nocturnal Abierta Terrestrial 53.41 53.25 39.95 278.68
Felidae Panthera onca Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 57.42 57.28 45.44 207.86
Felidae Panthera pardus Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 59.19 55.33 46.96 165.04
Felidae Panthera tigris Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 58.24 54.97 45.94 288.63
Felidae Pardofelis marmorata Diurnal Closed Terrestrial 69.35 51.69 56.01 79.42
Felidae Prionailurus bengalensis Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 60.13 53.24 48.12 89.56
Felidae Prionailurus viverrinus Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 63.07 50.74 43.43 111.24
Felidae Prionailurus rubiginosus Nocturnal Closed Arboreal 62.20 49.99 45.29 61.20
Felidae Puma concolor Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 69.12 47.80 46.61 169.57
Felidae Puma yagouarundi Diurnal Mixted Arboreal 67.99 45.55 42.96 80.46
Felidae Smilodon fatalis 70.33 38.19 41.08 281.28
Herpestidae Herpestes edwardsi Diurnal Closed Terrestrial 67.57 34.77 27.76 64.24
Herpestidae Herpestes ichneumon Diurnal Mixted Terrestrial 68.62 35.36 29.55 69.80
Herpestidae Herpestes javanicus Diurnal Closed Terrestrial 72.73 32.04 30.31 69.80
Herpestidae Mungos mungo Diurnal Mixted Terrestrial 66.29 37.76 26.89 63.50
Herpestidae Suricata suricatta Diurnal Opened Terrestrial 71.15 41.79 44.01 51.57
Hyaenidae Crocuta crocuta Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 63.20 38.20 32.92 105.97
Hyaenidae Hyaena hyaena Nocturnal Opened Terrestrial 59.26 42.96 43.18 249.23
Hyaenidae Proteles cristata Nocturnal Opened Terrestrial 68.58 41.69 42.77 115.53
Mustelidae Aonyx capensis Diurnal Closed Aquatic 55.63 49.08 38.69 113.76
Mustelidae Eira barbara Diurnal Closed Terrestrial 64.97 46.62 41.35 103.14
Mustelidae Enhydra lutris Diurnal Opened Aquatic 57.63 41.75 19.94 123.24
Mustelidae Galictis vittata Diurnal Closed Terrestrial 60.84 43.51 30.44 80.24
Mustelidae Ichneuma striatus Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 57.91 46.65 30.24 61.95
Mustelidae Ichneumia albicauda Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 68.75 37.14 33.95 87.85
Mustelidae Lutra lutra Nocturnal Mixted Aquatic 48.01 42.13 45.57 218.39
Mustelidae Martes americana Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 56.31 42.49 24.28 66.55
Mustelidae Martes foina Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 60.62 45.27 36.94 74.83
Mustelidae Martes pennanti Crepuscular Closed Terrestrial 55.88 48.50 32.75 101.08
Mustelidae Meles meles Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 56.70 46.63 33.05 119.47
Mustelidae Mephitis mephitis Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 62.35 39.11 24.57 61.57
Mustelidae Mustela nigripes Nocturnal Opened Terrestrial 49.21 49.18 26.41 63.41
Mustelidae Pteronura brasiliensis Diurnal Mixted Aquatic 38.96 55.40 15.61 142.31
Mustelidae Taxidea taxus Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 50.72 51.32 23.59 115.57
Odobenidae Odobenus rosmarus Diurnal Opened Aquatic 65.67 25.86 12.15 332.06
Otariidae Arctocephalus australis Diurnal Opened Aquatic 50.90 43.94 10.65 194.88
Otariidae Callorhinus ursinus Diurnal Opened Aquatic 43.58 57.89 9.13 159.70
Otariidae Eumetopias jubatus Diurnal Opened Aquatic 66.03 30.09 20.25 342.61
Otariidae Otaria flavescens Diurnal Opened Aquatic 61.87 33.29 17.58 269.34
Otariidae Zalophus californianus Diurnal Opened Aquatic 56.12 38.26 11.31 205.09
Phocidae Cystophora cristata Diurnal Opened Aquatic 36.81 61.32 18.28 225.32
Phocidae Erignathus barbatus Diurnal Opened Aquatic 35.75 60.26 14.97 109.43
Phocidae Histriophoca fasciata Diurnal Opened Aquatic 38.08 55.15 9.62 179.86
Phocidae Hydrurga leptonyx Diurnal Opened Aquatic 40.88 52.88 11.45 347.21
Phocidae Leptonychotes weddellii Diurnal Opened Aquatic 36.20 57.04 19.64 281.83
Phocidae Lobodon carcinophaga Diurnal Opened Aquatic 49.62 44.46 6.03 233.94
Phocidae Mirounga angustirostris Diurnal Opened Aquatic 31.44 61.98 11.37 378.88
Phocidae Mirounga leonina Diurnal Opened Aquatic 34.03 61.46 13.77 355.16
Phocidae Monachus monachus Diurnal Opened Aquatic 40.93 58.13 17.73 242.13
Phocidae Monachus tropicalis Diurnal Opened Aquatic 38.00 61.46 20.65 258.85
Phocidae Pagophilus groenlandicus Diurnal Opened Aquatic 33.48 59.65 5.55 197.77
Phocidae Phoca vitulina Diurnal Opened Aquatic 36.25 59.39 8.10 156.24
Phocidae Pusa hispida Diurnal Opened Aquatic 30.01 66.10 9.89 149.38
Procyonidae Bassaricyon alleni Crepuscular Closed Arboreal 65.85 48.31 44.92 71.42
Procyonidae Bassaricyon gabbii Nocturnal Closed Arboreal 68.43 47.94 50.80 73.31
Procyonidae Nasua narica Diurnal Closed Arboreal 64.12 40.24 29.63 61.83
Procionidae Nasua nasua Diurnal Closed Arboreal 54.10 46.80 26.49 101.10
Procyonidae Potos flavus Nocturnal Closed Arboreal 70.87 48.89 46.09 68.99
Procyonidae Procyon lotor Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 56.87 55.98 38.76 101.04
Ursidae Ailuropoda melanoleuca Diurnal Closed Terrestrial 53.09 48.76 30.51 128.00
Ursidae Helarctos malayanus Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 71.59 48.63 52.05 238.64
Ursidae Melursus ursinus Nocturnal Mixted Terrestrial 63.89 48.54 44.48 194.04
Ursidae Tremarctos ornatus Diurnal Mixted Terrestrial 66.26 50.31 49.09 201.90
Ursidae Ursus americanus Diurnal Closed Terrestrial 70.64 42.36 43.31 235.83
Ursidae Ursus arctos Crepuscular Mixted Terrestrial 69.55 48.76 50.75 286.83
Ursidae Ursus maritimus Diurnal Opened Aquatic 68.68 43.94 43.86 335.63
Ursidae Ursus thibetanus Diurnal Mixted Terrestrial 65.44 50.36 44.88 232.76
Viverridae Arctictis binturong Nocturnal Closed Arboreal 61.80 46.52 38.49 138.36
Viverridae Cynogale bennettii Nocturnal Closed Aquatic 58.60 46.61 33.67 109.50
Viverridae Paguma larvata Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 48.70 57.54 41.49 116.89
Viverridae Paradoxurus hermaphroditus Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 52.61 59.04 34.98 102.88
Viverridae Viverra tangalunga Nocturnal Closed Terrestrial 52.40 45.92 30.61 112.80

†denote extinct taxa.