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. 2017 May 19;2017(5):CD011598. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011598.pub2
Study Reason for exclusion
Abbasinazari 2011 Wrong control group (enteral feeding)
Abitbol 1989 Wrong control (all 3 groups received total parenteral nutrition)
Achord 1987 Multi‐intervention (experimental group received cortisol and heparin in addition to their nutrition intervention)
Aguilar‐Nascimento 2002 Wrong intervention group (the intervention group did not receive nutritional support (early oral feeding))
Akizuki 2009 Not randomised
Albano 2003 Not adults
Aoki 2000 Wrong intervention group (The intervention is preoperative glutamine supplement)
Aoki 2001 Wrong intervention group (glutamine supplementation as primary intervention)
Arabi 2011 Wrong control group (control group not described as standard care)
Arcand 2005 Outpatients
Arnaud‐Battandier 1999 Outpatients
Arnold 1989 Outpatients
Aronsson 2009 Not at nutritional risk (after correspondence with author)
Arustamyan 2011 Wrong control group (control group did not receive standard care)
Arutiunov 2009 Not randomised (the study was an observational study)
Ashworth 2006 Wrong control group (both the intervention and control group received oral nutrition support)
Askanazi 1986 Wrong control group (control group not described as standard care)
Bachmann 2008 Not randomised (clinical case study)
Bachrach‐Lindström 2000 Not randomised
Baek 1975 Not randomised
Bakiner 2013 Wrong control group (control group receives parenteral nutrition)
Bakker 2011 Protocol to the trial Bakker 2014
Bar 2008 Participants were pregnant (elective C‐section)
Barle 1997 Not at nutritional risk (undergoing elective laparoscopic surgery and the trialist does not describe participants as at nutritional risk)
Baron 1986 Not randomised
Barton 2000 Wrong intervention group (experimental group received both reduced portion size and fortifications)
Bastarache 2012 Wrong control group (the trial compared two different enteral feedings (trophic food))
Bastian 1999 Wrong intervention group (immunonutrition)
Bauer 2005a Wrong intervention group (both the experimental group and control group received an isocaloric supplement. Not nutritional support)
Bauer 2005b Wrong intervention group (both the experimental group and control group received an isocaloric supplement. Not nutritional support)
Bayer‐Berger 1989 Not randomised (the control group were not randomised)
Beattie 2000 Outpatients
Beau 1986 Wrong control group (control group received enteral nutrition as standard care)
Benzineb 1995 Wrong intervention (experimental group received early oral feeding)
Bickel 1992 Wrong intervention group (the experimental group received early oral feeding)
Blackburn 1973 Wrong control group (there was no control group in this trial); not described as randomised
Bonetti 1988 Wrong control group (control group was not described as standard care)
Bories 1994 Participants were younger than 18 years old
Bos 2000 Not randomised
Bos 2001 Not randomised
Boultetreau 1978 Wrong control group (both groups receives parenteral nutrition)
Bourdel‐Marchasson 2000 Cluster‐randomised trial
Bozzetti 1974 Wrong control group (control group received parenteral nutrition)
Bozzetti 1976 Wrong control group (control group received parenteral nutrition)
Bozzetti 1998 Not randomised
Bozzetti 2000 The control group receives hypocaloric PN
Braga 2002 Wrong intervention (experimental group received diet enriched with arginine, omega‐3 fatty acid and RNA)
Braunschweig 2015 Wrong control group (control group receives enteral or parenteral nutrition as part of standard care)
Britton 2012 Cluster‐randomised trial
Brooks 1999 Wrong intervention group (the experimental group received immunonutrition)
Buchman 1969 Not randomised
Burden 2011 Outpatients
Buzby 1988 Protocol. The finished review could not be obtained, and may never have been conducted
Cabre 1990 Wrong control group
Cai 1999 Wrong control group (the comparison of the study is EN (dietary fibre + glucose + protein) versus EN (glucose + protein))
Cai 2000 Wrong control group (the comparison of the study is EN versus PN)
Cameron 2011 Wrong control group (the control group received an intervention the experimental group did not (milk))
Cao 1994 Outpatients (participants were with cancer and having chemotherapy)
Capparros 1982 Not randomised
Chadwick 2002 Wrong intervention group (not nutritional support)
Chatterjee 2012 Wrong intervention group (early oral feeding)
Chattophadhyay 2002 Not at nutritional risk (meeting abstract). Authors could not be found for further information.
Chen 1994 Wrong control group (the comparison of the study is early EN versus PN)
Chen 2000c Wrong control group (the comparison of the study is EN versus PN)
Chen 2001 Wrong control group (the comparison of the study is EN versus PN)
Chen 2010 Not a randomised clinical trial, and the comparison is EN versus PN
Chen 2014 Not randomised
Cheng 1997 Not a randomised trial
Chiarelli 1990 The study said it had randomised participants according to the "case‐control method". We could not be sure it was a randomised clinical trial.
Collins 1978 Not randomised
Consoli 2010 Wrong intervention group (the experimental group received early oral feeding (not nutritional support))
Cornu 2000 Outpatients
Csapo 2003 Not a randomised clinical trial
Cui 1994 Not a randomised clinical trial
Cui 2013 Wrong control group (EN (nasogastric tube) vs EN ((nasogastric tube) + PN (venous)) vs + PN (venous))
Dag 2011 Wrong intervention group (the experimental group received early oral feeding (not nutritional support))
Daly 1987 Not randomised
Davies 1998 Not randomised clinical trial
De Castro 2012 Wrong control group (control group receives isocaloric enteral nutrition)
De Luis 2003 Outpatients
De Lédinghen 1998 Wrong intervention group (the experimental group received early oral feeding (not nutritional support))
Dea 1996 Not at nutritional risk
Deligné 1974 Not randomised
Demetriou 1992 Comment on Kearns 1992
Dhanraj 1997 Wrong control group (control group received hospital‐made enteral nutrition as standard care)
Dias 1999 Wrong intervention group (the experimental group did not receive nutritional support (glutamine))
Ding 1999 Participants were pregnant women.
Ding 2015 Wrong control group (control group receives enteral nutrition)
Dintinjana 2012 Multi‐intervention (including megestrol acetate)
Dixon 1984 Outpatients
Djunet 2012 Wrong control group
Dock‐Nascimento 2012 Glutatemine enriched nutritional support
Doglietto 2004 Wrong intervention (does not receive a nutrition intervention)
Dong 1997 Wrong control group (the comparison of the study is EN versus PN)
Driver 1990 Not randomised
Dupont 2012 Outpatients
Dutta 2004 Not randomised
Eckerwall 2007 Early oral feeding
Edstrom 1989 Not at nutritional risk. Trialists investigate tumor kinetics following TPN and do not indicate that their participants are at nutritional risk.
Efthimiou 1988 Outpatients
El Nakeeb 2009 Wrong intervention group (the experimental group received early oral feeding, not nutritional support)
Elke 2013 Not randomised
Elmore 1989 Wrong intervention group (the intervention group received elemental diet)
Eneroth 1997 Not randomised
Eneroth 2004 Outpatients
Esaki 2005 Not randomised
Evans 1987 Outpatients
Fairfull‐Smith 1980 Not randomised
Feinstein 1981 Dialysis
Feldblum 2011 Wrong control group (there was no control group. The trial compared group 2 and 3 as one).
Feng 2008 Wrong intervention group (the experimental group received early oral feeding. Not nutritional support)
Feo 2004 Multiintervention (early oral feeding)
Fernandez‐Estivariz 2006 Outpatients (not hospitalised. Both groups received parenteral nutrition)
Flynn 1987 Outpatients
Foltz 1987 Outpatients
Fonseca 2011 Wrong intervention group (experimental group receives early oral feeding (not nutrition support))
Foster 1980 Wrong intervention group (experimental group did not receive nutritional support)
Freund 1990 Not randomised
Fuenzalida 1990 Outpatients (the participants were not hospitalised, but were admitted to a Clinical Research Centre)
Förli 2001 Publication of the outpatient phase of Förli 2001
Ganzoni 1994 Outpatients
Garcia‐Rodriguez 2013 Outpatients and control intervention not described as standard care
Genton 2004 Not randomised
Georgieff 1980 Not randomised
Gerasimidis 2014 Outpatients
Grahm 1989 Quasi‐randomised
Greenberg 1982 Wrong control group (control group received parenteral feeding)
Grizas 2008 Wrong control group (the diet of the control group was not described as standard care but rather Early natural nutrition)
Grode 2014 Wrong control group (both groups receives nutritional intervention)
Gunnarsson 2009 Quasi‐randomised
Gurgun 2013 Outpatients
Haffejee 1980 Not randomised
Han‐Geurts 2001 Wrong control group (fixed oral diet versus patient‐controlled oral diet)
Han‐Geurts 2007 Wrong intervention group (experimental group was not described as nutritional support)
Harries 1983 Outpatients
Hasenberg 2010 The trial was retracted
Hasse 1997 Outpatients
He 2000 Not a randomised clinical trial
Heatley 1979 Quasi‐randomised (participants were randomly allocated into 1 of 2 groups according to odd or even year of birth)
Hedberg 1999 Not randomised
Heslin 1997 Wrong intervention group (immunonutrition)
Hickey 1982 Not randomised to nutrition support (randomised to oral hygiene)
Hidding 1988 Wrong control group (2 different enteral solutions)
Hochwald 1997 Wrong intervention group (intervention group received immunonutrition containing arginine)
Honda 1990 Not randomised
Hosseini 2010 Early oral feeding
Hovels 1951 Not adults (infants)
Hu 1995 Not a randomised clinical trial
Hu 2003 Wrong control group (control group did not receive standard care)
Hur 2011 Wrong control group (both groups were intervention groups receiving the same intervention in different time periods)
Ibrahim 2002 Wrong control group (both groups were intervention groups, and both of them had enteral feeding)
Irvine 2004 Wrong control group (No participants received a control diet)
Isenring 2003a Outpatients
Isenring 2003b Outpatients
Isenring 2004 Outpatients
Ishiki 2015 No group received standard care (enteral nutrition versus oral nutrition versus enteral plus oral nutrition)
Jacob 1989 Wrong control group (all groups received different parenteral nutrition therapy)
Jacobson 2012 Not randomised (patients was chosen in consecutive manner and compared to patients during a preceeding 20‐year period)
Jenkins 1994 Not adults
Jiang 1994a Not a randomised clinical trial.
Jiang 1994b Wrong control group (the comparison of the study is EN versus PN)
Jiang 2001 Wrong control group (the comparison of the study is EN versus PN)
Jiang 2002 Wrong control group (the comparison of the study is EN versus PN)
Jiang 2003 Wrong control group (the comparison of the study is hypocaloric PN vs traditional PN)
Jin 2002 Wrong control group (early EN versus PN plus EN)
Joosten 2001 Not randomised
Kang 1994 Not a randomised clinical trial
Kang 2011 Wrong control group (the control group receives PN)
Keller 1991 Wrong control group (2 intervention groups (hypercaloric vs hypocaloric))
Keohane 1983 Wrong control group (control group received enteral nutrition as standard care)
Kilgallen 1996 Outpatients
Kilic 2012 Not randomised
Kinsella 1981 Outpatients
Kirkil 2012 Wrong control group (control group received a different enteral formula)
Kirvela 1993 Outpatients
Kiss 2014a Wrong control group (control group received nutrition support until 50% of energy requirements were met)
Kiss 2014b Outpatients
Kiss 2014c Outpatients
Klahr 1996 Trial to test the efficacy of providing less protein in diet
Klek 2011 Wrong control group. There were 4 intervention groups: standard enteral nutrition, immunmodulating enteral nutrition, standard parenteral nutrition, immunmodulating parenteral nutrition, and therefore no control group
Knowles 1988 Outpatients (ambulatory)
Kochar 2011 Not adults
Kompan 1999 Wrong control group (both groups were intervention groups receiving enteral nutrition at different times)
Kompan 2004 Wrong control group (control group receives total parenteral nutrition)
Konrad 1966 Not randomised
Kult 1975 Not randomised
Kwon Lee 2006 Outpatients
Laaban 1986 Not a randomised clinical trial (observational study)
Lapillonne 1995 Not adults
Lapp 2001 Not randomised (quasi‐randomised according to birth date)
Lassen 2008 Early oral feeding
Lauque 2004 Outpatients
Lawson 2003 Not randomised
Le Cornu 2000 Outpatients
Ledinghen 1996 Not adults (neonatal patients)
Lee 2014 Outpatients
Lei 2011 Wrong intervention group (immunonutrition)
Li 2003 Wrong control group (comparison of the study is EN versus PN)
Li 2014 Multi‐intervention
Liao 1996 Not a randomised clinical trial
Liao 1997 Not a randomised clinical trial, and the comparison is EN versus PN
Liao 2005 Not a randomised clinical trial
Lidder 2010 Wrong control group (the control group received 100% parenteral nutrition, while the intervention group received 70% parenteral nutrition, and 30% enteral nutrition)
Lier 2012 Outpatients
Lim 2010 Not at nutritional risk (healthy learning adults)
Lin 1997 Not a randomised clinical trial
Lindschinger 2000 Multi‐intervention (PEG‐sonde versus nasogastric tube)
Liu 1998 Not a randomised clinical trial
Liu 2000b Wrong control group (the comparison of the study is (146kj/kg/day + glucose, protein, lipid + electrolyte + vitamins) versus (105 kj/kg/day + glucose, protein, lipid + electrolyte + vitamins))
Liu 2007 Wrong control group (control group receives enteral nutrition)
Liu 2010 Not a randomised clinical trial
Liu 2012 Wrong control group (control described as receiving nutrition support)
Lo 2005 Wrong control group (control groups received enteral nutrition)
Lobato 2010 Wrong intervention group (experimental group receives early oral feeding (not nutrition support))
Lopez 1980 Wrong control group
Lovik 1996 Outpatients
Lucha 2005 Wrong intervention group (early oral feeding)
Luder 2002 Not adults
Lundholm 2004 Outpatients
Luo 1996 Wrong control group (comparison of the study is EN versus PN)
Luo 1999 Wrong control group (comparison of the study is standard caloric PN versus hypercaloric PN)
Lv 2000 Not a randomised clinical trial
Lédinghen 1998 Wrong intervention group (experimental group received early oral feeding)
Löhlein 1981 Not randomised
Ma 1999 Not a randomised clinical trial
Ma 2014 Wrong control group
Maci 1991 Outpatients (participants were not hospitalised at time of randomisation)
Mackenzie 2005 Not a randomised clinical trial (prospective cohort study)
Madigan 2005 Outpatients
Marktl 1980 Wrong control group (control group received a different parenteral nutrition solution than experimental)
Martin 2004 Cluster‐randomised trial
Mattioli 1993 Wrong control group (control group received parenteral nutrition)
Mault 2000 The trial compares nutrition support guided by energy expenditure compared with being blinded to energy expenditure. Both groups receive nutrition support.
McClave 2001 Not at nutritional risk
McCowen 2000 Wrong control group (both groups received total parenteral nutrition)
Mehringer 2001 Wrong control group (received trophic feeds of enteral nutrition)
Mehta 2010 Pregnant participants
Meisner 2008 Not a nutritional risk (participants received laparoscopic surgery, and the authors did not describe them as at nutritional risk)
Mendenhall 1985 Wrong intervention group (experimental group received a nutrition supplement high in calories, protein and branched‐chain amino acids, hence is immunonutrition)
Mi 2012 Wrong control group (intervention were not comparable between groups)
Miao 2005 Multi‐intervention (intervention group receives insulin in addition to the nutrition support)
Minard 2000 Wrong intervention group (additionally the experimental group received immunonutrition)
Minig 2009 Wrong intervention group (experimental group received early oral feeding)
Moghissi 1977 Not randomised
Moloney 1983 Not randomised
Moore 1983 Experimental group received elemental diet
Moore 1986 Wrong experimental intervention (received elemental diet)
Moore 1991 Wrong experimental intervention (received elemental diet)
Murphy 1992 Outpatients
Müller 1995 Wrong control group (there was no control group)
Nachtigal 2008 Outpatients
Nagata 2009 Wrong control group (EN vs PN + EN (different dosages))
Namulema 2008 Outpatients
Nataloni 1999 Wrong control group (control group receives parenteral feeding or enteral feeding)
Navratilova 2007 Outpatients (institutionalised)
Nayel 1992 Outpatients
Neander 2004 Outpatients
Neto 2012 Wrong control group (control group receives parenteral feeding or enteral feeding)
Norman 2008 Outpatients
Nørregaard 1987 Most likely not hospitalised (no contact information for first author could be found)
Oehler 1987 Not randomised
Ohura 2011 Wrong control group (control group receives enteral nutrition)
Olin 1996 Not randomised (non‐randomised cluster study)
Olofsson 2007 Multi‐intervention (intervention group received a list of multi‐interventions that included ones that were not nutrition support)
Oloriz 1992 Wrong control group (control group receives enteral nutrition)
Otte 1989 Outpatients (ambulant)
Ouyang 2003 Wrong control (control group received nasogastric feeding)
Ovesen 1992 Wrong control group (supplement versus dense supplement)
Ovesen 1993 Outpatients
Pan 2000 Not a randomised clinical trial
Pandey 2002 Early oral feeding
Pantzaris 2012 Wrong intervention group (immunonutrition) and outpatients
Paton 2004 Outpatients
Pawlotsky 1987 Not randomised (cancer patients compared with healthy patients)
Pedersen 2005 Not randomised (quasi‐randomised)
Peitsch 1982 Not randomised
Persson 2002 Outpatients
Persson 2007 Wrong control group (control group received another advice intervention) and trial was in outpatients
Pinilla 2001 Multi‐intervention (both prokinetics and higher gastric threshold)
Pitkanen 1991 Wrong control group
Pivi 2011 Outpatients
Powell 2000 Not at nutritional risk (test if nutrition helps on inflammatory response)
Powers 1986 Not randomised
Praygod 2011 Outpatients
Preshaw 1979 Quasi‐randomised (participants randomised by last digit in hospital registration number)
Prohaska 1977 Not randomised
Pronio 2008 Wrong intervention group (immunonutrition)
Qiu 1998 Not a randomised clinical trial
Rabeneck 1998 Outpatients
Rabinovitch 2006 Not a randomised clinical trial (retrospective study)
Ramirez 1979 Wrong control group (all groups received total parenteral nutrition)
Ravasco 2005a Outpatients
Ravasco 2005b Outpatients
Rice 2011 Wrong control group (2 intervention groups (trophic vs full). No standard care)
Rice 2012 Wrong control group (control received a different enteral nutrition than the experimental group (trophic))
Rickard 1983 Not adults
Rinaldi 2006 Not randomised
Riviere 2001 Outpatients, and not randomised
Rogers 1992 Control participants were not hospitalised
Rypkema 2004 Not randomised (intervention based on enrolment to specific hospital)
Rüfenacht 2010 Wrong control group (2 intervention groups: oral supplements and nutritional therapy group)
Safdari‐Dehcheshmehi 2011 Wrong intervention group (early oral feeding)
Sakai 2015 Wrong intervention group (immunonutrition)
Sako 1981 Wrong control group (control group received enteral nutrition)
Sandstrøm 1993 Wrong control group (not standard care (10% or 20% glucose))
Savassi‐Rocha 1992 Wrong intervention group (nasogastric decompression, versus no nasogastric decompression)
Savva 2013 Outpatients
Schega 1967 Wrong control group (4 different parenteral solutions)
Schilder 1997 Wrong intervention group (the experimental group received early oral nutrition)
Schneider 2000 Not a randomised clinical trial (article is a comment on Bozetti 1998)
Schols 1995 Outpatients
Schröter 1974 Wrong control group (control group were not described as standard care)
Schwarz 1998 Wrong control group (all 3 groups received total parenteral nutrition)
Schwenk 1999 Outpatients
Scott 2005 Primarily outpatients
Seguy 2006 Not randomised
Serclov 2009 Multi‐intervention
Seri 1984 Outpatients (not all participants were hospitalised)
Serrou 1981b Not at nutritional risk
Serrou 1982b Not at nutritional risk
Serrou 1983 Wrong intervention group (no nutrition)
Seven 2003 Wrong control group (not described as standard care)
Sha 1998 Not a randomised clinical trial
Shamberger 1983 Not adults (We wrote to the author ( for separate data for the adults. The author did not have separate data).
Shan 1997 Wrong control group (both groups received EN and PN in different volumes)
Shang 2006 The trial was retracted
Shaw 1983 Wrong control group (control group receives TPN)
Shen 1994 Not a randomised clinical trial
Shepherd 1988 Not adults
Shi 2000 Wrong control group (participants with inflammatory bowel disease in intervention group received PN containing lipids, while control group received PN without lipids)
Shi 2001a Wrong control group (EN vs PN)
Shi 2001b Wrong control group (EN vs PN)
Shi 2002 Outpatients
Shizgal 1976 Not randomised
Shukla 1984 Wrong intervention group (elemental diet)
Silander 2012 Wrong intervention group (intervention is a prophylatic PEG)
Silander 2013 Outpatients
Silva 2010 Outpatients
Silvers 2014 Outpatients
Singer 2011 Wrong control group (both groups received different enteral nutrition)
Singh 2008 Outpatients
Smith 1982 Wrong control group (control group received parenteral nutrition)
Smith 2008 Wrong control group (both groups received nutritional support)
Snyderman 1999 Wrong intervention group (immunonutrition vs standard nutrition). We contacted the authors in September 2015 by email to get specific information on groups 3 and 4: We received no reply.
Somanchi 2011 Not randomised
Song 2003 Wrong control group (oral feeding 48 to 72 hours after surgery versus oral feeding 10 to 12 days after surgery)
Song 2009 Wrong intervention group (participants in intervention group reveived EN contains 2 types of nutritious supplementary while control group received EN contains only 1 type)
Sorrentino 2012 Wrong intervention group (immunonutrition)
Spain 1998 Wrong control group (control group receives enteral nutrition)
Stein 1981 Not randomised
Stewart 1998 Wrong intervention group (early oral feeding)
Sudarsanam 2011 Outpatients
Sultan 2012 Wrong control group (control group receives enteral nutrition)
Tabei 2004 Not described as randomised
Tai 2011 Wrong control group (control group receives an oral nutritional intervention in addition to standard hospital diet)
Tan 2002 Not a randomised clinical trial
Tandon 1984 Outpatients
Tang 1999 Wrong control group (PN vs EN)
Tang 2003 Wrong control group (PN vs EN)
Tang 2010 This study aims to find out the relationship between education and nutrition support.
Tanuwihardja 2010 Wrong intervention group (experimental group received immunonutrition)
Taylor 1998 Wrong control group (control group received enteral nutrition)
Teich 2009 Wrong intervention group (early oral feeding)
Tesinsky 1999 Outpatients
Thomas 2005 Outpatients
Tjäder 1996 Not randomised
Tkatch 1992 Controls received oral supplement that differed only in the amount of protein
Touger Decker 1997 Not at nutritional risk
Toyoda 1999 Wrong control group (EN vs PN)
Trinidad Ruiz 2005 Not randomised
Uzunkoy 2012 Early oral feeding
Valerio 1978 Wrong control group (both groups received nutritional intervention)
Vargas 1995 Outpatients
Vermeeren 2001 Wrong control group (control group not standard care, high carbohydrate versus high fat content supplements)
Vivanti 2015 Outpatients
Vizia 1998 Not adults
Vomel 2000 Not randomised
Wang 1995 Wrong control group (PN vs EN)
Wang 1997c Not a randomised clinical trial
Wang 1998a Wrong control group (discontinued PN vs continued PN)
Wang 1998b Wrong control group (PN vs EN)
Wang 2000a Not a randomised clinical trial
Wang 2000b Not a randomised clinical trial
Wang 2000c Not a randomised clinical trial
Wang 2006 Outpatients
Wang 2011a Wrong control group
Wang 2012 Multi‐intervention (both nutrition and early mobilisation)
Wang 2013b Outpatients
Wang 2015 Wrong intervention group (elemental diet)
Warnold 1988 Wrong control group (2 intervention groups)
Way 1975 Not randomised
Wei 1998 Wrong control group (control group does not receive standard care)
Weiner 1985 Outpatients
Weisdorf 1987 Not adults
Williams 1976 Not a randomised clinical trial (quasi‐randomised)
Wong 2004 Outpatients
Woo 1994 Outpatients
Woolley 1996 Wrong control group (control group receives enteral nutrition)
Wouters‐Wesseling 2002 Outpatients
Wright 2006 Not a randomised clinical trial (quasi‐randomised)
Wu 1996b Wrong control group (portal vein nutrition in intervention group versus peripheral vein nutrition in control group)
Wu 1999 Wrong control group (EN vs PN)
Wu 2006 Wrong control group (control group did not receive standard care (hypocalorisk + protein postoperatively))
Xiao 2000 No information on experimental group or control group
Xu 1995 Not a randomised clinical trial (observational study)
Xu 1998b Not a randomised clinical trial
Xu 1998c Not a randomised clinical trial
Xu 2000 Not a randomised clinical trial
Yang 1997 Wrong control group (EN vs PN)
Yao 2013 Not at nutritional risk
Ye 2011 Wrong intervention group
Yetimalar 2010 Not a randomised clinical trial (quasi‐randomised)
Yu 1999 Wrong intervention group (this type of comparison could not find which kind of intervention worked. Clinical intervention combined with food intake as wishes in intervention group versus clinical intervention combined with intake of high‐energy high protein food in control group)
Yu 2007 Wrong intervention group (stomach tube homogenate diets and yogurt in intervention group versus stomach tube homogenate diets in control group)
Yu 2012 Wrong control group (EN vs. PN)
Yuan 2003 This study is on the effectiveness of rehabilitation not nutritional support. Rehabilitation treatment plus oral feeding of Nutren versus rehabilitation plus oral feeding of normal food like poridge versus oral feeding of normal food like poridge.
Yun 1993 Wrong control group (food with different calories and protein and intravenous nutrition were performed in 2 different groups)
Zandier 1998 Not described as randomised
Zavertailo 2010 Wrong control group (control group received enteral nutrition)
Zelic 2013 Not at nutritional risk
Zhang 1996 Wrong control group (PN in different ways in 2 groups, one is portal vein nutrition, the other is central vein nutrition)
Zhang 2000a Wrong control group (EN vs PN): (PN (after 48 hrs) plus EN (after 1 week replaced with EN) vs PN (after 48 hrs normal feeding resumes, at least 2 weeks) vs EN)
Zhang 2000b Not a randomised clinical trial
Zhang 2004 Wrong control group (control group receives enteral nutrition)
Zhang 2006 Wrong control group (EN of different nutrition (different ratio of protein, lipid))
Zhang 2011 Wrong control group (control group receives EN or TPN)
Zhao 1995 Not a randomised clinical trial
Zhao 2012 Wrong intervention group (early oral feeding)
Zhao 2015 Retracted
Zhen 2002 Wrong control group (EN vs TPN)
Zheng 2006 Wrong control group (control group receives enteral nutrition)
Zhong 2006b Not a randomised clinical trial
Zhou 2006 Multi‐intervention (both experimental groups had removal of nasogastric tube, and oral feeding, while the control group had no feeding, and kept the nasogastric tube until flatus)
Zhu 2002b Wrong control group (EN vs PN)
Zhuang 1997 Wrong control group (EN vs PN)
Zingirenko 2007 Wrong control group (control group receives enteral nutrition)
Zou 2014 Wrong control group (early EN+PN vs TPN+EN)
Zwaluw 2014 Outpatients

EN: enteral nutrition
 PN: parenteral nutrition
 TPN: total parenteral nutrition