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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Sep 18.
Published in final edited form as: Nat Immunol. 2019 Mar 18;20(4):407–419. doi: 10.1038/s41590-019-0344-y

Figure 6. IFNγ promotes engraftment of the meninges by peripheral MHC II+ cells.

Figure 6.

(a-d) At day 30 post infection, MMs (gated on LiveDead CD45+ Thy1.2 CD11b+ Ly6C Ly6G F4/80+ CD206+ cells) were analyzed flow cytometrically for MHC I (a,b) and MHC II (c,d) expression and compared to mock-infected controls. Representative FACS plots (a,c) and the corresponding bar graphs (b,d) demonstrate a statistically significant increase in MHC I and MHC II levels on MMs from mice previously infected with r3LCMV relative to the mock-infected control group. Bar graphs show the mean ± SEM for the indicated groups, and asterisks denote statistical significance (****p<0.0001, unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test). Data are representative of two independent experiments with eight mice per group. (e) A similar experiment was performed using Cx3cr1CreER/+ x Stopfl/fl TdTomato mice. Bar graphs show the mean ± SEM for the indicated groups, and asterisks denote statistical significance. In day 30 r3LCMV-infected mice, a significant increase was observed in the proportion of MHC II+ TdTomato cells (infiltrating myeloid cells) (***p<0.01; unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test), but not MHC II+ TdTomato+ cells (NS, not significant; unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test). Meningeal macrophages were gated on LiveDead CD45+ Thy1.2 CD11b+ Ly6C Ly6G F4/80+ CD206+ cells. Data are representative of four independent experiments with ten (PBS) and fourteen (r3LCMV) mice per group. (f,g) Microarray analysis was performed on RNA extracted from sorted MHC II+ MMs of mice injected with PBS (f) and LCMV (g) 30 days prior and compared to MHC II MMs. Data are representative of four independent experiments with ninety mice per group. Meningeal macrophages were gated on LiveDead Thy1.2 CD45.2+ CD11b+ Ly6C Ly6G F4/80+ CD206+ and I-Ab/I-Eb positive (MHC II+ MM) or I-Ab/I-Eb negative (MHC II MM). Heat maps in f and g depict differentially regulated genes between MHC II+ vs. MHC II MMs (p<0.05, Welch-modified t-test under BH FDR multiple comparison correction conditions; greater than 1.5-fold). Each column shows color coded mean relative expression levels. See corresponding Supplementary Table 2. Bar graphs in f and g depict the top upstream regulators of the gene expression patterns in MHC II+ vs. MHC II MM. Bars represent z-scores, and p-values at the intersections (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001, right-tailed Fisher’s exact test using no multiple comparison correction) are indicated. Only z-scores ≥ 2 or ≤ −2 were plotted. For a complete list of differentially regulated genes see Supplementary Table 2 (‘Gene_Expression_PBS’ and ‘MHC II+_upstream_regulatorsPBS’ tabs for mock-infected mice; ‘Gene_Expression_LCMV’ and ‘MHC II+_upstream_regulatorsLCMV’ tabs for the r3LCMV-infected mice). (h,i) At day 30 post-r3LCMV infection, MMs from littermate wild type (WT) vs. LysMCre/+ x Ifngr1fl/fl mice were analyzed flow cytometrically for MHC II (h) and MHC I (i) expression and compared to mock-infected mice. MMs were gated on LiveDead Thy1.2CD45.2+ CD11b+ Ly6C Ly6G F4/80+ CD206+. Data are represented as a percentage relative to mock-infected control mice. (*p<0.05, **p<0.01; unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test). Bar graphs show the mean ± SEM for the indicated groups, and the dashed line represents the mock-infected control. Data are representative of five independent experiments with sixteen (WT) and seven (LysMCre/+ x Ifngr1fl/fl) mice per group (MHC II) or fourteen (WT) and nine (LysMCre/+ x Ifngr1fl/fl) mice per group (MHC I).