Figure 2. Cumulative impact of Lfabp gene ablation (LKO) and pair-fed high glucose diet (HGD) on food consumption and whole body weight gain.
All conditions were as described in legend of Fig. 1. Food consumption and body weight gain were measured daily and summed at the end of the dietary study. At the end of the dietary study, mice were fasted overnight, livers harvested, and livers analyzed by histological analysis to determine degree of hepatocyte vacuolation as described in Methods. Solid bars refer to WT mice while and open bars refer to LKO mice. A. Weight gain in g; B. % Weight gain; C. Liver weight (g); D. Liver weight as % Body weight. Values represent the mean ± SEM, n=6–8. Statistical analysis was as follows: * p≤ 0.05 vs WT mice on control diet; @ p≤ 0.05 vs LKO mice on control diet; #p≤ 0.05 vs WT mice on HGD.