Figure 1.
Genotoxic Stress Induces the Interaction of RBM7 with 7SK
(A) Distribution charts of unique tags derived from the F-RBM7 libraries based on percentages of the total iCLIP reads and mapped to the indicated RNA classes. Charts on the right show distribution of the indicated types of ncRNA.
(B) F-RBM7 iCLIP reads mapped to 7SK. Positions of the four stem-loops (SL1–4) are shown below the iCLIP reads and on a 7SK secondary structure model.
(C) RIP-qPCR of 7SK in wild-type and mRNP1 F-RBM7 IP from whole-cell extracts (WCEs) of HEK293 cells. RBM7 with RRM (in pink) and the position of RNP1 (white stripe) is shown on top.
(D) RIP-qPCR of 7SK in F-RBM7 IP from WCE of HEK293 cells. Conditions with (red bars; in hours) and without (blue bars) 4-NQO are shown.
Results in (C) and (D) are presented as the mean ± SEM (n = 3). ∗∗p < 0.01. See also Figure S1 and Tables S1A–S1C.