Fgure 3. FtsZ1 requires FtsZAT to polymerize in vitro and to localize in cells.
A) FtsZ1-sfGFP localization in WT, +FtsZAT and -FtsZAT. Scale bar is set to 2 µm. B) Light scattering over time for purified proteins at the indicated concentrations. GTP (2 mM) was added where indicated by the arrow to induce polymerization. Experiments were performed in triplicate and mean curves are shown. C) Negative stain TEM of the indicated proteins. Co-polymers of FtsZAT and FtsZ1 are indistinguishable from FtsZAT polymers. Scale bar is set to 100 nm. D) Inorganic phosphate concentration in solution over time in the presence of the indicated proteins and protein concentrations. Reactions were performed in triplicate and mean ± standard error is plotted. E) Tryptophan fluorescence over time for the indicated proteins. FtsZ1-L71W (red) shows no polymerization (Trp fluorescence) on its own, but can co-polymerize with added FtsZAT (purple). GTP (50 µM) was added where indicated by the arrow to induce polymerization. Experiments were performed in triplicate and representative curves are shown.