Effects of stand training intervention on electrophysiological characteristics (n = 6). (A) Types and duration of activities practiced during the training period. “Postural adjustments” included the participant's positioning in the stand frame and on the force plate, optimization of stimulation parameters, and self-initiated body-weight displacements without and in presence of spinal stimulation; “game-based exercises” included “Circle” and “Basketball” tasks practice. (B) Stimulation intensity required to induce self-assisted or minimally assisted standing, leg muscle activity during standing without and in the presence of spinal stimulation, and during sit-to-stand transitions through the training period. Filled and outlined by dashed line symbols correspond to intensities during which the micturition reflexes occurred in participants P2 and P3 during sessions 6 and 10, respectively. (C) Stimulation intensity required to evoke motor threshold response in the leg muscles in the sitting and standing positions during the training period. Horizontal bars indicate significant differences between training sessions, stimulated versus unstimulated trials, and muscles.