Gq-designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADD) expression in principal cells of the PC-Gq-DREADD mouse is robust. A: representative immunohistochemistry images of aquaporin 2 (AQP2) and mCitrine expression in renal cortical sections stained with anti-AQP2 (top) and anti-green fluorescent protein (bottom) antibodies from control littermates (left) and PC-Gq-DREADD mice (right). For presentation purposes, sharpness, contrast, and brightness were adjusted to maximize clarity without changing content. B: individual data points per section counted and means ± SE for percentages of tubular epithelial cells in cortical sections from control littermates and PC-Gq-DREADD mice that expressed AQP2 (n > 1,900 cells counted in 4 and 8 slices, respectively) and mCitrine (n > 600 cells counted in 14 slices for each genotype). Sections are from both male and female mice. *Significantly greater than control littermates (by a z-test).