Pharmacogenetic activation of Gq signaling in principal cells causes an increase in urinary Na+ excretion (UNaV). Individual data points and means ± SE of 24-h UNaV are shown for control littermate (n = 7 cages with 3 animals/cage for a total of 15 female and 6 male mice, each tested once) and PC-Gq-designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADD) (n = 7 cages with 3 animals/cage for a total of 12 female and 9 male mice, each tested once) mice maintained with a regular diet, a Na+-free diet (n = 7 cages, for a total of 15 female and 6 male and 12 female and 9 male mice, respectively), and a Na+-free diet + clozapine-N-oxide (CNO; n = 4 and 5 cages with 3 animals/cage for a total of 6 and 9 female and 6 and 6 male mice, respectively, each tested once). *Significantly lower than the control diet; **significantly higher than Na+-free diet and CNO-treated littermate mice (by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s honest significant difference post hoc test).