Infradentale (Id) |
The apex of the septum between the mandibular central incisors [55]. |
Menton (Me) |
Lowest midsagittal point of the intermandibular symphysis [55]. |
Diastema (Dia) |
Prominent toothless gap of each hemimandible, located between the canine and the premolar teeth. |
Midpoint of the diastema (mDia) |
Midtransversal point of the diastema. |
Mental foramen (Mf) |
Posterior prominent mental foramen. |
Alveolar crest (Ac) |
Point on the buccal alveolar crest at the level of the posterior mental foramen (Mf). |
Inferior border (Ib) |
Most inferior point of the mandibular body at the level of the posterior mental foramen (Mf). |
Dental ridge length (Ld) |
Length of the premolar and molar dental arch. |
Coronion (Cor) |
Most superior point of the coronoid process. |
Condylion (Con) |
Most superior point of the mandibular condyle. |
Lowest point of the sigmoid notch (Sn) |
Most inferior point of the sigmoid notch, located between the coronoid and mandibular process. |
Gonion (Go) |
Most posterior, inferior and lateral point on the external angle of the mandible [56]. |