S11 | S8 AND S9 AND S10 |
S10 | S6 OR S7 |
S9 | S4 OR S5 |
S8 | S1 OR S2 OR S3 |
S7 | ((start* adj3 tim*) OR (late* adj3 start*) OR (earl* adj3 start*) OR (delay* adj3 start*) OR (delay* adj3 time*) OR (stagger* adj3 start*) OR (stagger* adj3 tim*) OR (split* adj3 shift*) OR (double adj3 session*) OR (start* adj2 school*) OR (tim* adj2 school*) OR (time* adj3 day) OR (begin* adj3 day) OR (start* adj3 day) OR ((double* OR morning OR afternoon OR evening OR different) adj3 shift*) OR (tim* adj3 learn*) OR ((earl* or late* or school*) adj3 schedul*) OR Wakefulness OR sleep OR chronobiology OR "human biological rhythm" OR "human biological rhythms" OR circadian OR "phase shift") |
S6 | (MH "Wakefulness") |
S5 | ("high school education" OR "secondary education" OR "secondary school" OR "junior high school" OR "middle school" OR "senior high school" OR "high school") |
S4 | (MH "Schools, Secondary") |
S3 | (adolescent OR Students OR teen* OR adolescent* OR "high school students" OR "young person" OR "young people" OR youth*) |
S2 | (MH "Students, High School") |
S1 | (MH adolescence) |