Specifications table
Subject area | Electrochemistry, Materials science, Nanotechnology |
More specific subject area | Electrode material development |
Type of data | Image (atomic force microscopy – AFM, scanning electron microscopy – SEM), graph (Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction – XRD), table (process parameters for using plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition – PECVD). |
How data was acquired | Atomic force microscope (Ntegra Aura Scanning Probe Microscope, NT_MDT Spectrum Instruments) operated in intermittent-contact mode; scanning electron microscope (Nova NanoSEM 630, FEI Company, USA) working at 20 kV accelerating voltage, under high vacuum (HV) conditions and using Through the Lens Detector (TLD); confocal microscope (WITec alpha300 S, WITec, GmbH, Germany) with a 20X lens and 532 nm excitation wavelength was used to acquire the Raman spectrum; 9kW rotating anode X-ray diffraction system (Rigaku SmartLab, Japan) that employs Cu Kα1 radiation (λ = 1.54056 Å); PECVD growth (NANOFAB 1000, Oxford Instruments, UK). |
Data format | Raw, analyzed |
Experimental factors | Electrochemical activation of the nano-crystalline graphite film at 3 mA applied current, during 240 s, in 10 mM phosphate buffer saline (PBS) solution containing 0.1 M KCl, pH 7. |
Experimental features | A 4″, Si-n, <100>, 1–3 Ω cm wafer bearing 110 nm SiO2 was heated up to 900 °C (15 °C min−1) in Ar/H2 (5%) atmosphere, annealed during 10 minutes, allowing an additional surface hydrogenation step for 5 more minutes in Ar/H2 (10%) atmosphere, after the ultimate process temperature was reached. The nano-crystalline graphite (NCG) film was grown starting from CH4 and H2 (60 sccm/75 sccm), using 100 W power plasma, at 900 °C and 1.5 Torr, up to a thickness of ∼350 nm. The working parameters of the PECVD process are detailed in Table 1. The NCG film grew on Si/SiO2 substrate was used as working electrode during several electrochemical investigations, alongside with Ag/AgCl reference electrode and Pt wire serving as counter electrode. |
Data source location | National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnology – IMT Bucharest, 126A Erou Iancu Nicolae Street, 077190, Voluntari, Ilfov county, Romania |
Data accessibility | The data presented in this article are accessible within this article. |
Related research article | C. Albu, S.A.V. Eremia, M.L. Veca, A. Avram, R.C. Popa, C. Pachiu, C. Romanitan, M. Kusko, R. Gavrila, A. Radoi, Nano-crystalline graphite film on SiO2: Electrochemistry and electro-analytical application, Electrochim. Acta, 303, 2019, 284–292 [1]. |