FIG. 4.
Scatter plots showing mean fractional anisotropy (FA) (A), axial diffusivity (AD) (B), mean diffusivity (MD) (C), and radial diffusivity (RD) (D) measurements for the sensory tracts (dorsal white matter) for five vertebral body levels cephalad and caudal to the lesion for typically developing (TD) subjects and subjects with chronic spinal cord injury (SCI). The dark red solid line represents the mean TD data and the black line represents the mean SCI data. In the TD population, “0” level (mid T3) represents the average epicenter of the SCI subjects. In the SCI subjects, the full extent of the lesion (which may include multiple levels) is represented as the “0” level. In our cohort of SCI subjects, there was minimal diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) signal at the lesion levels and, therefore, we did not perform DTI measurements at these levels. *p < 0.05 indicates significant difference from TD. Color image is available online.