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. 2019 Apr 23;7(1):17. doi: 10.5334/egems.289

Table 1.

Allowable terms for domain descriptions of OHDSI DQ check constructs.

Domain Domain Definition Terms Count of Unique Terms in Domain Count of Checks in Domain

Data Elements (DEs)

Age DE related to age-specific variables age at first observation period; age at death; age 3 10
Care Site DE related to places of care variables care sites 1 3
Condition DE related to condition-specific variables condition occurrence records; condition occurrence concepts; condition eras; condition era length; condition era concepts 5 15
Death DE related to death-specific variables death records; records of death; time from death 3 9
Insurance DE related to insurance-specific variables procedure cost records; total paid; total out-of-pocket; paid toward deductible; paid copay; paid coinsurance; paid by payer; paid by coordination of benefit; ingredient_cost; drug cost records; dispensing fee; average wholesale price; payer plan (days) of first payer plan period 13 23
Medication DE related to medication-specific variables refills; quantity; drug occurrence records; drug exposure records; drug exposure concepts; drug eras; drug era records; drug era length; drug era concepts; days_supply 10 20
Numeric Values DE related to an unspecified numeric values numeric values 1 1
Observations DE related to observation-centric variables records; observation records; observation occurrence records; observation occurrence concepts; observation (days) of first observation period 5 16
Person DE that examines only persons Persons 1 55
Procedure DE related to procedure-specific variables procedure occurrence records 1 8
Provider DE related to provider-specific variables Providers 1 3
Visit DE related to visit-record related variables visits; visit records; visit occurrence records; visit occurrence concepts; length of stay 5 9

Count Measures the count of DE relative to a certain specification (e.g., number of persons with X) Number of 1 128
Distribution Measures the dispersion of DE across a certain specification (e.g., distribution of age by X) Distribution of 1 39
Time Length Measures the time frame of DE given a certain specification (e.g., length of observation period (days) of first observation period by X) Length of 1 5