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. 2019 Mar 1;2(3):e190230. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.0230

Table 1. Baseline Veteran Participant Characteristics.

Variable No. (%) Population vs Sample Differences, χ2 or F Test P Value Effect Sizea
Population in Treatment With CCM Team (n = 5596) Interviewed Sample (n = 1050)
Demographic data
Age, mean (SD), y 52.2 (14.5) 53.5 (14.0) 9.13 .003 0.0016
Female sex 881 (15.7) 210 (20.0) 15.9 .001 0.0522b
Race/ethnicity 3.6 .16 0.0256
White 4192 (79.5) 825 (81.7)
Black 933 (17.7) 159 (15.7)
Other 149 (2.8) 26 (2.6)
Hispanic 676 (12.4) 97 (9.5) 9.1 .003 0.0400
Minority 1725 (31.3) 275 (26.5) 12.6 .001 0.0468
Married 2602 (46.8) 487 (46.7) 0.03 .86 0.0023
Employed (full- or part-time; self-employed) 2702 (50.2) 532 (52.5) 2.0 .16 0.0190
Rural residence 1205 (21.6) 227 (21.6) 0.03 .87 0.0022
Period of service, Gulf War or later (1990-present) 2858 (51.1) 497 (47.3) 6.7 .01 0.0339
VA disability ≥50% 4338 (77.5) 844 (80.4) 5.6 .02 0.0309
Clinical data
Depression or anxiety disorder 3278 (58.6) 592 (56.4) 1.1 .30 0.0136
Serious mental illness (bipolar spectrum or schizophrenia) 1924 (34.4) 340 (32.4) 1.2 .27 0.0146
Posttraumatic stress disorder 2793 (49.9) 474 (45.1) 8.5 .01 0.0382
Substance use disorder 1096 (19.6) 169 (16.1) 8.1 .01 0.0373
No. of active mental health diagnoses, mean (SD) 2.3 (1.3) 2.2 (1.4) 4.8 .03 0.0008
No. of active medical diagnoses, mean (SD) 1.1 (1.3) 1.2 (1.3) 8.9 .03 0.0015
Mental health hospitalization in previous year 248 (4.4) 36 (3.4) 2.5 .11 0.0207
Medical-surgical hospitalization in previous year 405 (7.2) 73 (7.0) 0.1 .73 0.0046

Abbreviations: CCM, collaborative chronic care model; VA, US Department of Veterans Affairs.


Effect sizes for continuous variables are reported as η2, and categorical variables as Cramer V.


Purposive oversampling for representation of women.