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. 2019 Mar 1;2(3):e190223. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.0223

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics and Nonfatal Incidents in Trial Events in the 45 029 Participants With Cognitive Function Assessed at the Final Follow-up Visit.

Characteristic Randomized Clinical Trial
HPS (n = 20 536) SEARCH (n = 12 064) HPS2-THRIVE All (n = 58 273)
European Cohort (n = 14 741) Chinese Cohort (n = 10 932)
No. of randomized participants who survived to end of trial 17 701 10 130 14 046 10 097 51 974
Cognitive assessment at final follow-up, No. (%) 15 926 (90.0) 8879 (87.7) 12 310 (87.6) 7914 (78.4) 45 029 (86.6)
Characteristics of participants with cognitive assessment at final follow-up
Age at entry, mean (SD), y 63.4 (8.4) 63.3 (8.6) 65.1 (7.1) 61.8 (7.2) 63.6 (8.0)
Age group age at entry, No. (%)
<60 y 5165 (32.4) 3065 (34.5) 2816 (22.9) 3403 (43.0) 14 449 (32.1)
60-69 y 6741 (42.3) 3718 (41.9) 5952 (48.4) 3121 (39.4) 19 532 (43.4)
≥70 y 4020 (25.2) 2096 (23.6) 3542 (28.8) 1390 (17.6) 11 048 (24.5)
Age at cognitive assessment, mean (SD), y 68.2 (8.4) 69.8 (8.6) 68.0 (7.1) 65.2 (7.3) 67.9 (8.0)
Baseline characteristics
Female, No. (%) 4120 (25.9) 1463 (16.5) 1739 (14.1) 1365 (17.2) 8687 (19.3)
Townsend deprivation index, mean (SD)a −0.48 (3.18) −0.94 (2.97) NA NA −0.65 (3.11)
Systolic blood pressure, mean (SD), mm Hg 144 (23) 137 (21) 144 (20) 141 (22) 142 (22)
Current smoker, No. (%) 2065 (13.0) 975 (11.0) 1674 (13.6) 1873 (23.7) 6587 (14.6)
Current alcohol use, No. (%) 9606 (60.3) 5648 (63.6) 7803 (63.4) 1157 (14.6) 24 214 (53.8)
Prior disease at entry, No. (%)
MI 6457 (40.5) 8879 (100) 8789 (71.4) 5405 (68.3) 29 530 (65.6)
Other CHD and no MI 8826 (55.4) 0 1102 (9.0) 1063 (13.4) 10 991 (24.4)
Peripheral vascular disease 4896 (30.7) 184 (2.1) 2111 (17.1) 340 (4.3) 7531 (16.7)
Cerebrovascular disease 2372 (14.9) 520 (5.9) 2911 (23.6) 2720 (34.4) 8523 (18.9)
Diabetes at entry 4505 (28.3) 815 (9.2) 2647 (21.5) 3024 (38.2) 10 991 (24.4)
LDL cholesterol level, mean (SD), mg/dLb 76.1 (23.9) 96.5 (23.2) 67.2 (16.6) 58.7 (15.8) 74.5 (24.3)
Nonfatal in-trial events, No. (%)
Disabling stroke 203 (1.3) 22 (0.2) 24 (0.2) 37 (0.5) 286 (0.6)
Mild stroke (not disabling) 329 (2.1) 217 (2.4) 150 (1.2) 215 (2.7) 911 (2.0)
TIA 449 (2.8) 209 (2.4) 145 (1.2) 69 (0.9) 872 (1.9)
MI 662 (4.2) 565 (6.4) 369 (3.0) 224 (2.8) 1820 (4.0)
Coronary revascularization 1027 (6.4) 930 (10.5) 573 (4.6) 425 (5.4) 2955 (6.6)
Noncoronary revascularization 693 (4.4) 217 (2.4) 338 (2.7) 38 (0.5) 1286 (2.8)
Heart failure 352 (2.2) 208 (2.3) 136 (1.1) 263 (3.3) 959 (2.1)
Onset of diabetesc 545 (4.8) 1019 (12.6) 588 (6.1) 433 (8.8) 2585 (7.6)
TICS-m score at final follow-up, mean (SD)d 24.1 (4.2) 24.3 (4.1) 25.4 (3.9) 24.1 (4.2) 24.5 (4.2)
Verbal fluency score at final follow-up, mean (SD)e 21.5 (7.3) 22.5 (7.4) 23.3 (6.9) 19.4 (6.3) 21.8 (7.2)

Abbreviations: CHD, coronary heart disease; HPS, Heart Protection Study; HPS2-THRIVE, Treatment of HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) to Reduce the Incidence of Vascular Events; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; MI, myocardial infarction; NA, not applicable; SEARCH, Study of the Effectiveness of Additional Reductions in Cholesterol and Homocysteine; TIA, transient ischemic attack; TICS-m, Modified Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status.

SI conversion factor: To convert cholesterol to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.0259.


Only available in HPS and SEARCH. Ranges from −6.25 to 10.26, with higher scores indicating greater degree of deprivation.


At randomization in HPS (during simvastatin treatment, 40 mg/d) and SEARCH (during simvastatin treatment, 20 mg/d) and at the baseline visit in HPS2-THRIVE (during simvastatin treatment, 40 mg/d, with or without ezetimibe).


The denominator for the percentages excludes those with diabetes at entry.


Scores range from 0 to 39, with higher scores indicating greater cognitive ability.


Scores range from 0 to 72, with higher scores indicating greater verbal fluency.