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. 2018 Aug 20;54(4):560–566. doi: 10.1038/s41409-018-0299-x

Table 1.

Characteristics of secondary squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck in the survivors of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for hematologic malignancies

Patient 1 2 3 4 5 6
Age at SCC/sex 49/M 48/M 43/F 66/F 49/M 44/M
Latency of SCC (years) 3 8 8 12 7 13
Hematologic malignancy Transformed FL to DLBCL AML AML CML CML CML
Treatment before HSCT R-CVP, R-CHOP, and BEAM followed ASCT Daunorubicin + Ara-C Daunorubicin + Ara-C Hydroxyurea, interferone, and splenic irradiation Imatininb Hydroxyurea, interferone, and splenic irradiation
Type of HSCT/sex of donor RIC MSD/F Ablative MSD/M Ablative MSD/F Ablative MSD/M Ablative MSD/M Ablative MSD/F
Oral mucositis Severe needing TPN Moderate Moderate Severe needing TPN Moderate Severe needing TPN
Acute GVHD Skin, oral Skin, GI Skin Oral, liver Skin, GI None
Chronic GVHD location/grade Oral/extensive None Oral/extensive Skin, oral/extensive Oral/extensive Skin, oral, and esophageal/extensive
Chronic GVHD treatment C, P, Ph, and R None P, M, and Ph P, M, and R P, M, Ph, and R P, M, Ph, R, and I
Site of SCC L (T1) and R (T2) anterior tongue, the left floor of the mouth Base of tongue and left tonsil Left tongue Right tongue Right tongue Distal esophagus
Chief complaint/exam finding Focal pain in the areas of chronic irritation/ill-defined tender plaque with shallow ulcerations New-onset neck swelling/exophytic growth at the base of the tongue Focal pain/ulcerated ill-defined tender flat lesion Focal pain/superficial tender ulcerated lesion Focal pain/ exophytic ulcerated 2-cm lesion, and diffuse similar lesions nearby mucosa Dysphagia and distal esophageal exophytic mass by endoscopy
Stage of SCC/focality T2N0/stage II/multifocal T1N2a/stage IVA/multifocal T2N0/stage II/multifocal T4aN2a/stage IVA/unifocal pT2N1/stage III/multifocal T3N1/stage III/no resection
Grade 3 2 2 2 2 2
Resection margin + for SCC, SCC in situ, and SSD + for SCC, SCC in situ, and SSD + for SCC and SSD + for SCC and SSD + for SSD Patient declined resection
LVI/PNI −/− +/− −/+ −/+ +/+ −/−
Preceding lesions SD and SP NPB SD SD NPB SD
Treatment Neoadjuvant TPF, B/L hemiglossectomy, and floor of mouth excision B/L tonsillectomy, base of tongue excision, CRT, and neck dissection Partial glossectomy, neck dissection, and CRT at recurrence Hemiglossectomy, neck dissection, and CRT with concurrent cetuximab Hemiglossectomy and neck dissection CRT and declined surgery
Outcome 2 local recurrence in 2 years and 4 surveillance biopsies showing SSD Alive at 9 years without recurrence Died after 4 years from multiple local recurrences, and pulmonary metastasis Died of progressive SCC in 4 months Alive at 15 months without recurrence Alive at 18 months without recurrence

Pt patients; SCC squamous cell carcinoma; ASCT autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; FL follicular lymphoma; DLBCL diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; AML acute myeloid leukemia; CML chronic myeloid leukemia; R-CVP rituximab, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, prednisone; R-CHOP rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, prednisone; BEAM BCNU, etoposide, cytarabine, melphalan; RIC reduced-intensity conditioning; MSD matched sibling donor; M male; F female; TPN total parenteral nutrition; GI gastrointestinal; GVHD graft-versus-host disease; Ext extensive; C cyclosporine; P prednisone; M mycophenolate mofetil; Ph photopheresis; I imatinib; R right; L left; LVI lymphovascular invasion; PNI perineural invasion; SSD severe squamous dysplasia; SP squamous papilloma; NPB no prior biopsy; CRT chemoradiotherapy; B/L bilateral; TPF docetaxel, carboplatin, and 5-flurouracil; CRT chemoradiation