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. 2019 Mar 22;10(4):1978–1998. doi: 10.1364/BOE.10.001978

Algorithm 1.

Fluorescence imaging reconstruction

Require: If,l(r), rl, l=1,,Nimg
1. initialize of(1,0)(r)=lIf,l(r)/Nimg
2. initialize pf(1,0)(r) with all one values
3. initialize h˜f(u) with the non-aberrated incoherent OTF
4. initialize rl(1) with the scanning position from the registration step
5. for k=1:Kf do
6.   Sequential gradient descent
7.   for l=1:Nimg do
8.     of(k,l)(r)=of(k,l1)(r)offf,l(of(k,l1),pf(k,l1),rl(k))/max(pf(k,l1)(r))2
9.     pf(k,l)(r)=pf(k,l1)(r)pfff,l(of(k,l1),pf(k,l1),rl(k))/max(of(k,l1)(r))2
10.     ξ(u)=F{of(k,l1)(r)C{pf(k,l1)(rrl)}}
11.     h˜f(k,l)(u)=h˜f(k,l1)(u)h˜fff,l(of(k,l1),pf(k,l1),hf(k,l1),rl(k))|ξ(u)|/12[max(|ξ(u)|)(|ξ(u)|2+δ)], where δ is chosen to be small
13.     Scanning position refinement
14.     xl(k+1) = xl(k)αxlff,l(of(k,l1),pf(k,l1),rl(k))
15.     yl(k+1) = yl(k)αylff,l(of(k,l1),pf(k,l1),rl(k))
16.   end for
17.   Nesterov’s acceleration
18.   if k = 1 then
19.     t1=1
20.     of(k+1,0)(r)=of(k,Nimg)(r)
21.     pf(k+1,0)(r)=pf(k,Nimg)(r)
22.   else
23.     tk+1=1+1+4tk22
24.     of(k+1,0)(r)=of(k,Nimg)(r)+tk1tk+1[of(k,Nimg)(r)of(k1,Nimg)(r)]
25.     pf(k+1,0)(r)=pf(k,Nimg)(r)+tk1tk+1[pf(k,Nimg)(r)pf(k1,Nimg)(r)]
26.   end if
27. end for